Thanks for the reviews on the DLC. That is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear.

I loved my ME crew....LOVED THEM! And I'm excited to see my old friends from all the ME games on here. I will miss them and I'm still sad that Shepard and his/her crews' story is at an end. It was one hell of a great ride and my very favorite game franchise.
It was the relationships among the crew that made this game so special to me. No other game made me tear up like this one when friends were lost or their lives in peril. When I lost Mordin - I was so damn upset. And then shortly after that I thought I might lose Grunt (but I didn't

) and I was going nuts. Granted it was 4 am and I was incredibly tired...but man did these moments really hit me hard....that right there makes this one of the best games for me.