Media Mass Effect 4 announced!

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Same here, default Shep was far more detailed than a custom Shep, so I always left him like that.

I'm just interested to know what the story is going I be about and if it's going to be on a huge scale like the first 3 games.

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So they've really barely started the game. So 2016 probably?

They said in the conference that we will get more information March 2015. Probably will see a release date at E3 2015. October 2015 or March 2016 it's my guess.
I dunno it was one of the features i loved in ME3.. you know playing as other races and stuff.. hahaha.... also, how much of a difference does it make if you complete the game without the high galactic readiness? was it really crucial? i was not able to check them out for my self..
I believe if you got over 4500 GR you were able to get the Shepard Lives ending with the Destroy Option. I do agree that playing as the other races was a plus for MP. I really hope they allow this option when creating a character in the new games. I would love to be a Krogan!
Why? Thats what screwed up ME3 IMO. I hated how they forced you to play that to get a better ending and to increase your war assets.

I agree that you shouldn't have been forced to play multiplayer to get the best ending if you didn't want to. I think Bioware realised their mistake because they released a patch that changed it so you didn't need to play any multiplayer at all to get that ending. So I doubt they would make the same mistake again in ME4. But I must say, I absolutely LOVE the ME3 multiplayer though. I wasn't expecting to like it at all, but boy was I wrong!

I dunno it was one of the features i loved in ME3.. you know playing as other races and stuff.. hahaha.... also, how much of a difference does it make if you complete the game without the high galactic readiness? was it really crucial? i was not able to check them out for my self..

Originally, it was impossible to get what is considered by many to be the "best" ending with single player only. You needed to invest quite a few hours into multiplayer to increase your galactic readiness score enough to get that ending. That is no longer the case after the patch though. Here's a description of the different endings and the EMS you need to get them after the patch from the ME Wiki (Please note: major spoilers for those who haven't finished ME3):

  • If EMS is between 0-1749, only one option will be available depending on the player's choice at the end of Mass Effect 2: Control, if Shepard saved the Collector Base, and Destroy if Shepard did not. Both will result in massive physical damage to Earth, with Destroy killing almost everyone on Earth.
  • If EMS is between 1750-2349, both Destroy or Control options are available, but either choice will cause some substantial damage to the galaxy.
  • If EMS is between 2350-2649, the Control option will cause no physical damage but the Destroy option will still cause widespread damage.
  • If EMS is 2650+ the Destroy and Control options will no longer cause any physical harm to the galaxy.
  • If EMS is 2800+ the Synthesis ending becomes available.
  • If EMS is 3100+ and the Destroy option is chosen, Shepard is seen barely alive, gasping for breath (if Anderson is shot by the Illusive Man, the player needs a higher EMS to see this short scene).
The Destroy (red) option will result in the destruction of all synthetic life. The Crucible will fire a beam/pulse into the mass relay network, spreading the blast across the galaxy but severely damaging every relay and the Citadel in the process. Some time later, the galaxy eventually finishes the repairs to the relays and recovers from the destruction the Reapers had caused. Admiral Hackett narrates this ending.
  • If EMS is substantially low, choosing Destroy will result in massive physical damage throughout the galaxy, as well as the annihilation of most life. Hackett's narrative is different in this ending; his outlook on the galaxy's future is far more bleak.

The Control (blue) option results in Shepard sacrificing corporeality to command the Reaper fleet. The Reapers will then leave Earth at the will of the Commander. Instead of firing a beam, only a pulse will be released from the Citadel. The pulse spreads throughout the mass relay network, damaging them but leaving the Citadel intact. Shepard directs the Reapers to repair the mass relays and help rebuild the galaxy. Commander Shepard narrates this ending.
  • Depending on the player's Paragon/Renegade score, Shepard's narrative changes in regards to their utilization of the Reapers.
In the Synthesis (green) ending, Shepard adds their energy to the Crucible's, thus creating a new, synthesized DNA. The Catalyst explains that this is the best option, since synthesis is the pinnacle of evolution, and will render the Reapers obsolete. The Crucible emits a green light/beam, altering all denizens of the galaxy on the genetic level; the dividing lines between synthetic and organic life are blurred. The Reapers rebuild the damaged relays of their own accord, as well as share the collective knowledge of countless lost civilizations. EDI narrates this ending.

Alternatively, Shepard can refuse to activate the Crucible. While speaking with the Catalyst, Shepard can reject deciding between the Destroy, Control, and Synthesis endings, insisting that a decision with such a massive impact on the galaxy and its people cannot be made, and that the war must end on Shepard's terms; or, Shepard can initially accept the Catalyst's options, but can then attempt to shoot the Catalyst instead. Both actions result in a Reaper victory and the continuation of the cycle of extinction. One of Liara's time capsules is then shown on an unknown world, and a recording of Liara explains that even though the people of her time failed in their struggle against the Reapers, those who find the capsule still have a chance to succeed.

In the Destroy, Control, and Synthesis endings, the Crucible's blast causes the Normandy to crash land on an unknown planet. The survival of the Normandy's crew will rely largely on EMS:

  • If EMS is substantially low (below ~1750) and the Destroy ending is chosen, nobody exits the Normandy.
  • If EMS is substantially low (below ~1750) and Control is chosen, Joker and two of the player's most-favored crew mates will exit a heavily damaged ship.
  • If EMS is moderately high (above minimum, below maximum) and Destroy or Control are chosen, Joker and two of the player's most-favored crew mates will exit a heavily damaged ship.
  • If EMS is 2800 or above, and Destroy or Control is chosen, Joker and two of the player's most-favored crew mates will exit a relatively undamaged ship.
  • If Synthesis is chosen, Joker, EDI, and the player's most-favored crew member will exit the ship. Joker and EDI will embrace.
Various epilogue scenes will be shown, depicting the fates of noteworthy characters and races encountered throughout the journey. These scenes will depend on the choices made throughout the game, as well as the entire series. The surviving members of the Normandy's crew are then seen gathered near the memorial wall, honoring the memory of all those listed. The player's love interest (or Samantha if no love interest present: for example if Liara was killed by Harbinger's beam; likewise Miranda will not appear here even if she survives since she is not part of the crew) will place Commander Shepard's name plaque above Admiral Anderson's. If all crew members survived but Shepard does not have a current love interest, then the character Shepard interacted with the most will put the Commander's name on the wall. Afterwards, depending on EMS rating, the Normandy will be shown on the unknown planet, either being repaired or taking off into space.

  • If the Destroy option was chosen and the player has very high EMS, the plaque is shown, but not placed on the wall (love interest smiles and doesn't place it) and a scene showing Shepard breathing in a pile of rubble is shown as the last scene before the credits roll.
After the credits, a scene will be shown in which a Stargazer tells tales of "The Shepard" to a young child
Great news! Glad to hear they are taking a fresh start.

and geez, can we just get good games without all the multiplayer. isn't that what COD or Battlefield is for. I think great individual titles sometimes get distracted by having to add a multiplayer option that many people don't actually play.
Great news! Glad to hear they are taking a fresh start.

and geez, can we just get good games without all the multiplayer. isn't that what COD or Battlefield is for. I think great individual titles sometimes get distracted by having to add a multiplayer option that many people don't actually play.
:goodpost: :exactly:

I don't do multiplayer b/c I know I'm far from the best gamer (kind of slightly above casual gamer) and hated that I had to cheat that War Assets App to get and keep my War Assets at 100% and man did it suck when they abandoned that app too :lol I've trried multiplayer on many different game titles and I'm just no good at it so I hope there's no forcing any multiplayer this time
It's fine to have multiplayer, but they shouldn't require it for the single player game. The MP on ME3 was very good and I enjoyed it--I usually don't get into multiplayer because it's very competitive, but since the MP in ME3 is cooperative style it is quite fun.

I have a feeling though that the next game won't be like previous games, there might be something crazy there. Like I wouldn't be surprised if they have a concept similar to Destiny.
It's fine to have multiplayer, but they shouldn't require it for the single player game. The MP on ME3 was very good and I enjoyed it--I usually don't get into multiplayer because it's very competitive, but since the MP in ME3 is cooperative style it is quite fun.

I have a feeling though that the next game won't be like previous games, there might be something crazy there. Like I wouldn't be surprised if they have a concept similar to Destiny.

Oh goodness, I hope not! I LOVE Mass Effect 3 multiplayer but I don't think you should be required to play it for single player, and I certainly don't want it to become integrated with the single player in any way. Not everyone like multiplayer, so they should be kept separate IMO. ME3 muliplayer is some of the best co-op I've ever played, so I hope they just expand on it and don't change it too drastically. I honestly don't think that Bioware are going to go down the Destiny road just yet though. Perhaps they would for their new IP, but I don't think they would mess with ME that much because they would have to expect a backlash.
Concept art







The cannonical ending* is Destroy.

This doesn't mean that AIs cannot be created anew, or that all technology was destroyed.

Also, there could be a side mission in which you meet an old Shepard, because he survived (if you have your ME3 savegame).

*cannonical to me.
I just completed Mass Effect 3 on Saturday night.

I chose the Synthesis option. I believed that it would elevate all sentient beings to a higher plain of existence. In my ME world the synthesis option would eradicate hate, prejudice & the kinds of sick, twisted crimes that are too depressing to mention. That's how I interpreted it, anyway. I'm not actually sure that Bioware intended the synthesis choice to have that great an impact on life but, regardless, it did in my ME universe. :)

I can see how religious people might have a big problem with this particular ending & that maybe it goes against God's will, or something like that, which is fair enough. Or maybe I've got that wrong & religious people wouldn't have a problem with it believing that this was meant to be the next step in God's plan. I'm not religious so this didn't factor into the decision for me.

Although I can appreciate that most fans want another Mass Effect (& another & another & so on) I really wish that Bioware would just leave it at 3 & create a brand new sci-fi universe for us all to get wrapped up in. I mean, isn't what follows just going to seem kind of insignificant given what we've all just been through. I think the subsequent games will feel very similar to Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. With the Mass Effect trilogy, just like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, we've just had the fate of all things in the balance & now here we are back in the same universe with no real sense of urgency or purpose. You just can't compete with the end of the world, or indeed galaxy, scenario & if they did come up with a new 'the fate of the galaxy is at stake' kind of thing again it would just seem rather silly.

I have the same problem with new Star Wars films. The books always seemed a bit daft to me in the same way that the new films will because fans desperately want the universe & saga to continue there's suddenly a conveyor belt of Sith Lords. Kill a couple, don't worry because 2 more will pop up out of nowhere for your convenience. The whole thing just makes a mockery out of the significance of the ending to Return of the Jedi & the destruction of the Sith & the fact that they hadn't been around for around a thousand years. Yet, suddenly, they don't stop popping up. The whole thing just seems tired & desperate & smacks of unoriginality.

I want new ideas featuring new characters in a brand new universe & I want an end to the bastardisation of my beloved franchises. With Star Wars that's now never going to happen & it will be as saturated as the Marvel film universe if Disney get their way. :(

Anyway, that's just my 2 pence. I'm sorry for rambling on & this post was way too long & a bit all over the place. I'm just venting. :)
I just completed Mass Effect 3 on Saturday night.

I chose the Synthesis option. I believed that it would elevate all sentient beings to a higher plain of existence. In my ME world the synthesis option would eradicate hate, prejudice & the kinds of sick, twisted crimes that are too depressing to mention. That's how I interpreted it, anyway. I'm not actually sure that Bioware intended the synthesis choice to have that great an impact on life but, regardless, it did in my ME universe. :)

I can see how religious people might have a big problem with this particular ending & that maybe it goes against God's will, or something like that, which is fair enough. Or maybe I've got that wrong & religious people wouldn't have a problem with it believing that this was meant to be the next step in God's plan. I'm not religious so this didn't factor into the decision for me.

Although I can appreciate that most fans want another Mass Effect (& another & another & so on) I really wish that Bioware would just leave it at 3 & create a brand new sci-fi universe for us all to get wrapped up in. I mean, isn't what follows just going to seem kind of insignificant given what we've all just been through. I think the subsequent games will feel very similar to Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy. With the Mass Effect trilogy, just like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, we've just had the fate of all things in the balance & now here we are back in the same universe with no real sense of urgency or purpose. You just can't compete with the end of the world, or indeed galaxy, scenario & if they did come up with a new 'the fate of the galaxy is at stake' kind of thing again it would just seem rather silly.

I have the same problem with new Star Wars films. The books always seemed a bit daft to me in the same way that the new films will because fans desperately want the universe & saga to continue there's suddenly a conveyor belt of Sith Lords. Kill a couple, don't worry because 2 more will pop up out of nowhere for your convenience. The whole thing just makes a mockery out of the significance of the ending to Return of the Jedi & the destruction of the Sith & the fact that they hadn't been around for around a thousand years. Yet, suddenly, they don't stop popping up. The whole thing just seems tired & desperate & smacks of unoriginality.

I want new ideas featuring new characters in a brand new universe & I want an end to the bastardisation of my beloved franchises. With Star Wars that's now never going to happen & it will be as saturated as the Marvel film universe if Disney get their way. :(

Anyway, that's just my 2 pence. I'm sorry for rambling on & this post was way too long & a bit all over the place. I'm just venting. :)

Its all about the story.
If they give fresh new ideas, all new characters, and the story is engaging, then its good.
Mass Effect 1-3 wrapped up a great story line for Shepard and crew, and I would welcome new characters set in the same lore.
My issue is when they use the same characters and milk it for all its worth.

The new star wars isnt bastarding the previous star wars. Much like Mass effect, Star wars to Return of the Jedi followed along Luke and his crew, with Luke being a farmboy to all the way becoming a Jedi. With the help of his friends, they were able to stop the Emperor from controlling the Universe.
If this was childhood book, then they all live happily ever after. But that's only in childhood fairy tales, life is all about the continued struggles and dilemmas we face to overcome adversities. And in that moment in time, the Heroes came through.
Now, the world is faced with another dilemma, and new heroes are needed to step in...and it looks like with the help of some heroes.

Shepard had a great Journey, Bioware like Star Wars, crafted an amazing world, and with great stories can continue on and on.
If it would have been Shepard again, then that would be tricky, it has be a truly engrossing storyline again, it has be be just as good or even better, otherwise, it would start to feel like they're milking their franchise.