Media Mass Effect 4 announced!

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The new star wars isnt bastarding the previous star wars. Much like Mass effect, Star wars to Return of the Jedi followed along Luke and his crew, with Luke being a farmboy to all the way becoming a Jedi. With the help of his friends, they were able to stop the Emperor from controlling the Universe.
If this was childhood book, then they all live happily ever after. But that's only in childhood fairy tales, life is all about the continued struggles and dilemmas we face to overcome adversities. And in that moment in time, the Heroes came through.
Now, the world is faced with another dilemma, and new heroes are needed to step in...and it looks like with the help of some heroes.

To be fair you can't know that the new Star Wars films aren't bastardising the franchise in the same way that I can't possibly know that they are. I guess we'll both find out soon enough. It's a personal thing with me in that I truly loath the Marvel film universe. And I feel OK saying that here as it's a Mass Effect 4 thread & I would never troll a Marvel thread to express this sentiment. That recent 5 year plan with a minimum of 6 movies per year just about summed up Disney's approach which is nothing less than 'milk it for all it's worth'.

I have no doubt that they're planning similar things with Star Wars if it proves popular enough, which it will. I wouldn't be as bothered if these new films weren't connected to 'my' saga. But they are & that kind of pisses me off. I have zero faith in Disney's soulless interpretation of Lucas' universe.

And yes, I do appreciate that many of the cool kids look down there noses at the prequels but I do not. I quite enjoy them as misguided as some of the character choices were (he who shall not be named :yuck), clunky romance scenes & bloody awful political shenanigans. For all the films faults I love Ian McDiarmid in all of them but especially in RotS. He really came into his own there & was an absolute joy to watch. I loved Maul, Jango, Qui-Gon, McGregor as Obi-Wan in AotC & RotS. Christopher Lee is always a pleasure & I'm a big fan of Natalie Portman (although she was wasted in RotS). And to anyone who thinks that the prequels are in some way vastly inferior to Return of the Jedi I have just 1 word for you... Ewoks. They were atrocious then & they're atrocious now & seeing an all powerful & mighty empire brought down in large part by frickin' teddy bears is as bad as anything else in the entire saga. I hate the way they look, I hate the stupid sounds they make (yub, yub :cuss) and I hate the moronic way that the heavy handed message of 'hey, primitives with spears could beat super advanced technology' was handled. & although the film makes up for all that in other ways the whole Endor segments are still just a complete load of rancor faeces. Rant over. :)

But, alas, I've derailed this thread for too long & so I apologise to fellow ME fans. & one thing I will completely agree with you on now Remy is Mass Effect 4. I shouldn't be so damn negative about it. After all, it's not like Bioware knock a game in the series out every year (cough..Assassin's Creed..cough). So yeah, I'll look forward to it as I've enjoyed the 3 games thus far. I just hope, as others have said, that it doesn't go the completely online route as I know that Bioware have expressed an interest in an ME MMO. I don't want to lose this series like I lost, aptly enough given what we've been talking about, Knights of the Old Republic.
...But, alas, I've derailed this thread for too long & so I apologise to fellow ME fans. & one thing I will completely agree with you on now Remy is Mass Effect 4. I shouldn't be so damn negative about it. After all, it's not like Bioware knock a game in the series out every year (cough..Assassin's Creed..cough). So yeah, I'll look forward to it as I've enjoyed the 3 games thus far. I just hope, as others have said, that it doesn't go the completely online route as I know that Bioware have expressed an interest in an ME MMO. I don't want to lose this series like I lost, aptly enough given what we've been talking about, Knights of the Old Republic.

Its understandable to be cautious, with so many movies or games that whore out their franchise just to make more money,
its easy to feel sceptical.
But one thing I have been impressed with this franchise cause it is one of the rare franchises where every single game is blast.
It got better and better.
I remember playing it, and just sometimes stand there and marvel at all the details they put into it.
You can really tell they care for it.
And they put so much details on characters personalities, that as the game progress, each and everyone one of them are distinct.
Some games, you'll have lots of characters that are generic, with few standouts.
Not this game, all the characters that join you in the journey are so different from each other.
Its not often that you play a game where you care for almost all the characters...when I finished ME2,
I was sooo set on replaying it so that I could save everyone in the end. It really bothered me I finished it and some of the crew perished.
Its not often you play a game like that.

So, I am very eager to dive into this world again.
lol...well...I've actually already dived into it again cause I've been playing ME2 again playing a different class. :)
To be fair you can't know that the new Star Wars films aren't bastardising the franchise in the same way that I can't possibly know that they are. I guess we'll both find out soon enough. It's a personal thing with me in that I truly loath the Marvel film universe. And I feel OK saying that here as it's a Mass Effect 4 thread & I would never troll a Marvel thread to express this sentiment. That recent 5 year plan with a minimum of 6 movies per year just about summed up Disney's approach which is nothing less than 'milk it for all it's worth'.

I have no doubt that they're planning similar things with Star Wars if it proves popular enough, which it will. I wouldn't be as bothered if these new films weren't connected to 'my' saga. But they are & that kind of pisses me off. I have zero faith in Disney's soulless interpretation of Lucas' universe.

And yes, I do appreciate that many of the cool kids look down there noses at the prequels but I do not. I quite enjoy them as misguided as some of the character choices were (he who shall not be named :yuck), clunky romance scenes & bloody awful political shenanigans. For all the films faults I love Ian McDiarmid in all of them but especially in RotS. He really came into his own there & was an absolute joy to watch. I loved Maul, Jango, Qui-Gon, McGregor as Obi-Wan in AotC & RotS. Christopher Lee is always a pleasure & I'm a big fan of Natalie Portman (although she was wasted in RotS). And to anyone who thinks that the prequels are in some way vastly inferior to Return of the Jedi I have just 1 word for you... Ewoks. They were atrocious then & they're atrocious now & seeing an all powerful & mighty empire brought down in large part by frickin' teddy bears is as bad as anything else in the entire saga. I hate the way they look, I hate the stupid sounds they make (yub, yub :cuss) and I hate the moronic way that the heavy handed message of 'hey, primitives with spears could beat super advanced technology' was handled. & although the film makes up for all that in other ways the whole Endor segments are still just a complete load of rancor faeces. Rant over. :)

But, alas, I've derailed this thread for too long & so I apologise to fellow ME fans. & one thing I will completely agree with you on now Remy is Mass Effect 4. I shouldn't be so damn negative about it. After all, it's not like Bioware knock a game in the series out every year (cough..Assassin's Creed..cough). So yeah, I'll look forward to it as I've enjoyed the 3 games thus far. I just hope, as others have said, that it doesn't go the completely online route as I know that Bioware have expressed an interest in an ME MMO. I don't want to lose this series like I lost, aptly enough given what we've been talking about, Knights of the Old Republic.

Do you mean Jar Jar Binks...... meesa thinkin you mean Jar Jar....
Its understandable to be cautious, with so many movies or games that whore out their franchise just to make more money,
its easy to feel sceptical.
But one thing I have been impressed with this franchise cause it is one of the rare franchises where every single game is blast.
It got better and better.
I remember playing it, and just sometimes stand there and marvel at all the details they put into it.
You can really tell they care for it.
And they put so much details on characters personalities, that as the game progress, each and everyone one of them are distinct.
Some games, you'll have lots of characters that are generic, with few standouts.
Not this game, all the characters that join you in the journey are so different from each other.
Its not often that you play a game where you care for almost all the characters...when I finished ME2,
I was sooo set on replaying it so that I could save everyone in the end. It really bothered me I finished it and some of the crew perished.
Its not often you play a game like that.

So, I am very eager to dive into this world again.
lol...well...I've actually already dived into it again cause I've been playing ME2 again playing a different class. :)

Agreed! It was one hell of an epic journey.

Towards the end of ME 3 when the Normandy came out of hyperspace with all the other ships & were confronted by an armada of Reapers I felt like my entire body could've literally burst with all the goose bumps I had. It was incredible.

And I'm not an overly emotional person but I actually cried when Mordin sacrificed himself for the sake of the Krogans. A single manly tear, like Denzel in the brilliant film Glory. :D It was a truly beautiful moment & the way he sang that wonderful little song of his just to calm his own nerves while waiting for the inevitable just made the entire scene play out on a par with some of the greatest emotional films I've ever seen or books I've ever read.
I think the coolest thing Bioware could do for 4 is allow you to select a race to play as. But I doubt they'll do it.

Yeah, that would be interesting. That could never of worked with the trilogy, obviously, but it would be cool to see this choice implemented in the next games. I guess it'll all depend on the story & whether or not being a human is integral to it, like the trilogy.

Plus, let's have lot's of female Turians & Krogan instead the lame one of each we had in the entire trilogy. Although with the Krogan this was completely understandable & I loved Eve & her storyline but the lack of female Turians was just bizarre. :huh
Honestly I'd stick with human. Turian would be my second choice. Just hope we get a **** ton of customization options. Like hair....I might be the only one but I hate doing games like that and you only get like a selection of 6 hair styles. Damn bloody hell pisses me off. Also reconstruction options. Like 'OH ****, man that looks bad, instead of starting a new game, I can just fix it'. I hate to say it, but like Saints Row. That's just me. And no more day 1 DLC ********. If it's capable to be day 1, it should be on the ****ing discs.
I think the coolest thing Bioware could do for 4 is allow you to select a race to play as. But I doubt they'll do it.

You doubt it? I think its the logical next step, I'd choose Asari


Honestly I'd stick with human. Turian would be my second choice. Just hope we get a **** ton of customization options. Like hair....I might be the only one but I hate doing games like that and you only get like a selection of 6 hair styles. Damn bloody hell pisses me off

:exactly: I agree

Also I never liked that the only nice facial features are locked for the default Shepard :gah:
You doubt it? I think its the logical next step, I'd choose Asari


:exactly: I agree

Also I never liked that the only nice facial features are locked for the default Shepard :gah:

Asari are awesome.
I always played with the default Shepards, so I never really noticed the animations were restricted.

If I could play as Jack I'd be super happy with that :lol
OH man, that just pissed me off too. I just took the default and messed a bit with other stuff.

ON a side note, who is that as your avatar?

I think I always used Vanderloo's face for MaleShep, but when I played as Femshep I always had to customize her looks she didn't look so good, until ME3...

Thats Scarlett Johansson

Asari are awesome.
I always played with the default Shepards, so I never really noticed the animations were restricted.

If I could play as Jack I'd be super happy with that :lol

That'd be great :lol

now that I think about it, It would be nice to play as multiple charactersm each with different missions depending on the species

btw Asari, Turian and Krogan are my favourites :lecture
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That'd be great :lol
now that I think about it, It would be nice to play as multiple charactersm each with different missions depending on the species
btw Asari, Turian and Krogan are my favourites :lecture

Multiple characters? Sounds good, as long as it doesnt subtract from any single story, but I prefer one huge single story over several small ones.
hmmmm I actually don't really like the Krogan, I dont hate them but they would be way down on my list, with the Vorcha and the Volus, oh and those got damned Batarians :gah:
I think I always used Vanderloo's face for MaleShep, but when I played as Femshep I always had to customize her looks she didn't look so good, until ME3...

Thats Scarlett Johansson

Really? Man didn't look like her! That's a great pic :drool

But yes, I've always had to customize my femshep, never did like her original default looks. Man did it take hours to get something decent :slap

Multiple characters? Sounds good, as long as it doesnt subtract from any single story, but I prefer one huge single story over several small ones.
hmmmm I actually don't really like the Krogan, I dont hate them but they would be way down on my list, with the Vorcha and the Volus, oh and those got damned Batarians :gah:

Man, **** Batarians. Biggest *******s ever.

I don't mind Krogans, so Turians, Asari, and Geth were my favorite races. Never really cared for much, and it sucked that most humans were made to look like a *****, Ashley and Miranda anyone? I liked them too, wish they were different. Jack never was a favorite for me, but I loved her in ME3
The main thing I would like to see in future ME games is the possibility of resolving many situations without going on a killing spree. I realise that combat is always going to play a big part in the games but real life isn't solving every world conflict in the style of Jack Bauer & going on a psychotic rampage. Got a problem? then just kill x amount of people & the problem is solved.

I'd like a much greater emphasis on diplomacy, where possible. Maybe certain situations could only be solved the way you'd like only if you have a high Paragon or high Renegade but not a high either-or like it has been. Plus, I'd like the option to be able to stealth my way through certain situations, avoiding all combat. In the trilogy Shepard is about as stealthy as The Terminator, & much deadlier too, so let's have the possibility of non-violent resolutions if the player has the impetus & desire to do so.

Maybe talky situations could be set up like mini-games but not forced on the player & if the player so chooses, as an overwhelming majority would, you could just resort to blasting your way through it all, like usual.

Basically, I'd like much more role playing & far less of an emphasis on running & gunning like there has been in ME 2 & 3.
If your Paragon was high enough you did get options to avoid fighting.... Maybe not all the time but I did notice quite a few times...

But when your opponent is out for world domination your not going to be able to talk yourself out of having to do combat...