Super Freak
Selling a lot of MOTU Classics in Buy/Sell forum. Just a heads-up guys.
Any of you have a method for getting off that annoying dirtyish look that gets on the leg or arm? Have a couple spots of minor paint smears that I'd like to remove. Any tricks you have that won't damage the figure?
it does diminish the line to not have one. Castle Grayskull is a very iconic symbol of the MOTU. afterall, it is what the fighting is all about. Skeletor wants it's power and he-man protects it. the line is also in a scale that would make a castle feasible. while a 1/6 Falcon from SS would never happen cuz of the size. and SS made the cobra throne which is a great environment piece and i'm sure they will make more environment pieces in the future for the Joe line.
they have said on several occasions that we weren't getting one. I don't think that it's so terrible that we don't have one. this line is mainly focused on the figures, sure we are going to get some vehicles and a diaroma but thats about as far as I think that they are going to go. and to fit in with the idea of this line that's all Greyskull would be, a diorama for displaying your figures, no trap doors like the original or lights like the 200x one. It would be a giant hunk of plastic.
they've all but said it in the ask matty section today.
TG said it would require a new TV show, or a major motion picture release to be able to do a Grayskull set.
i don't get the argument that it needs to be a movie year so they can recruit a bunch of new fans. i'm sure this line will be very attractive to newbs when they find out that all the core characters have been sold out for years and all the new ones are impossible to order from the site on order day. i'm sure they will be coming in droves to get in on this nightmare.![]()
i just figure that they would sculpt it to look like the classics 198x grayskull and all the orgers would cry cuz it doesn't look like 200x.
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"><embed src="" id="1_70f87ea8_acd7_11df_a2c1_0019b9e56dac" name="1_70f87ea8_acd7_11df_a2c1_0019b9e56dac" flashvars="auto_play=false&clip_pid=zgcjjfqsmb&e=&id=1_70f87ea8_acd7_11df_a2c1_0019b9e56dac&skin_pid=wfxswdnlkf" width="300" height="30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent"></embed><div id="1_70f87ea8_acd7_11df_a2c1_0019b9e56dac_anchor" style="font-size: 8px; color: black; text-decoration: none; display: block; text-align: center;"><a href="" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">Sad Trombone sound bite</a> <a href="" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">Sad sound bites</a></div><img alt="Sad Trombone sound bite" border="0" height="0" src="" style="visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px; margin:0; padding:0; float:right" width="0" /></div>
Well, its official...we are NEVER getting a MOTU Classics Castle Grayskull...a MOTU Movie? yeah thats gonna happen anytime soon
Q: I know this has been brought possibly.... But what would it take to get a good representation of Castle Grayskull made for us fans. I'm sure it would be costly, but when would you decide to gauge interest and tackle this?
-could this possibly be set up as sub membership exclusive for joining the club? $100-$150 club price?
-I think you might have stated this piece could be/would be considered if it coincided with a release of a MOTU film,
- I know this thing could be costly and could pose a financial risk for mattel but why not structure it this way.....
Club members sign up for all-in sub and pay $100-$150 for fee which could hopefully cover cost of CG. Gathering the subs early could secure the interest and to ensure that members follow through on their sub commitments, why not ship CG in December, perfect x-mas gift. what do you say????? LOL thanks for answering. You know you want a CG
A: It would likely take a new movie or other entertainment for us to do a playset in Classics style (simply because new entertainment would draw more fans).