Whiplash Kicks Ass...
'nuff said!!!
'nuff said!!!

I'm just happy to be getting a proper MOTU charcater! Feels like it's been ages!
I'm just happy to be getting a proper MOTU charcater! Feels like it's been ages!
Make that vote!
I went for the first one!
Do you want 200x inspired alternate heads and sculpting elements in the MOTUC toy line?
Ah, it's early I read that as Whipass kicks ass!
what we got: Grizzlor, Roboto and Buzzoff?
You know...
Roboto is one of those cases that I like he looks just like an updated version of his 80's counterpart.
As cool as the 200x version is, I prefer the vintage one... I don't know it has such a Retro look, classic 80's robot...
like something out of Tron or Black Hole!
As for Grizzlor, I might trim the "hair" a bit, since I don't like his Hasbro Chewie look that much...
Buzz-off should look great, though I would've preferred the extra head and the hands to be a little longer.
But he will be a great companion for Stratos in the skies of my display!!!