Masters of the Universe Classics

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I just started collecting MOTUC about a month ago, and I LOVE 'em! I started with three of the most necessary figures... He-Man, Battle Cat and Skeletor. I'm kickin myself in the BUTT for not starting when these first started coming out! I'm pretty far behind...thank goodness for eBay lot auctions. lol

He-Man was, as far back as I can remember, the first property I really obsessed over as a kid. I watched the show ALL the time (and still do) and had almost every figure, vehicle and playset Mattel came out with back then. It kills me that I don't have all that stuff anymore, but luckily this Classics line is the answer to reliving those wonderful childhood memories. :)

I collected most of the 2002 figures, and I dug most of what they did with the revamped show. Something about it was a tad 'off' for me, but I guess that's to be expected when comparing ANYthing to an original that inspired it.

Let's hope the movie that's been rumored to be in development does the franchise justice. Even as a kid, I HATED the '87 movie.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing how far Mattel plans to go with this line.
The '87 movie was godawful. I think it'd be great to see a modernized He-Man movie, live action with CG when necessary. But realistically done with good grisly details and things like that. It'd be rated PG-13 or R (I'd hope for the latter, but doubt they'd do it).
Speaking of Mer-Man (language at the end ****)

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Yea they were blocky and I can see that today, but being 1982 there was nothing like em back in the day. Today everything has 100 different points of articulation and we are in gods heaven for action figures.

I'd think that G.I. Joe was probably one of the only figures that started us off with battle grip versions :lol (1983)

I thought it was called "kung fu" grip back in the day. Wasn't it Ski? :confused:
Yea they were blocky and I can see that today, but being 1982 there was nothing like em back in the day. Today everything has 100 different points of articulation and we are in gods heaven for action figures.

I'd think that G.I. Joe was probably one of the only figures that started us off with battle grip versions :lol (1983)

motu figures were so revolutionary in fact that Remco lifted the design for the figures for both their AWA wrestling figures


and for their Warlord line, in fact they even put on the back that the Warlord figures could play with the masters figures


in fact I had the one pictured above. took me a while to find out where he was from and I saw his card back that had the note about the masters figures
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SWEET!!! Vintage Duke!!!!! Those are so cool... Ah the 80's... such a great time for toys back then...
HATED those cheap ass made Remco figures...I remember those hanging on the shelf as a kid and I never looked twice! dollar store knock off MOTU figures they were!
HATED those cheap ass made Remco figures...I remember those hanging on the shelf as a kid and I never looked twice! dollar store knock off MOTU figures they were!

cheap or not it's proof of MOTU's influence that they based an entire toy line not only on the design, but advertised them as accessories to the line

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Remco figures were in fact crap. Anyhow, I would like to know when BC will see his re-release... anyone?

they havnt announced anything yet on re-issue Battle Cat,but Toyguru said he is due to be released again before 2010.....who knows?
i'm not saying it isn't. my point was that imitation (or ripping off) is the sincerest form of flattery.

that being said was anything involving warlord any good?
ironic that today you cannot launch a toyline without a tv, comic, or movie tie in and have it survive. sure there are a few exceptions, but think about it. if they had launched MOTU today without a cartoon or movie would anyone have even given it a second look?
HATED those cheap ass made Remco figures...I remember those hanging on the shelf as a kid and I never looked twice! dollar store knock off MOTU figures they were!

As bad as they were, and they were bad, back in 1985 this was the only way to get action figures of the Road Warriors. They lack of articulation was made up with imagination.