Hey Eamon,
that video is pretty funny!!
You know, I've actually tried to always stay positive about this line...
I usually don't get upset over reversed shoulders, mixed legs, flimsy joints, some delays, some character selections, price, DR or all that...
Because by the end of the day, I have a kick-ass collection of MOTU goodness...
But, month after month we see Mattel or DR or both screw it up in one way or the other... I don't mind the delay itself... what upsets me is that they charge my card and won't ship the BG Lyn. They should foot the bill for shipping Demo-Man later... or offer some sort of credit... that's all!
This isn't Rocket Science... these are toys!
I'll wait 3 months if needed for Demo-Man!
Just don't charge me for it until it's ready to ship!