I was one of the first to voice my displeasure at Battle Lion when it was revealed. Hope I didn't come across as against any particular faction, as I'm not so long as it is executed well. As soon as I saw Battle Lion I wondered how King Grayskull would sit on there, not that its a possibility for me as I already used him for a couple of custom figures.
I'm just planning on putting NA He-Man on top of Battle Lion as the futuristic armour fits the NA aesthetic quite well IMO. Now that I think of it as NA Battle Cat I'm much keener, dont know how I can explain away his missing stripes though....
I didn't know people were saying Hydron was fat, with the exception of Two-Bad and Modulok he's my favourite figure for 2014 so far.
childish or not...I find it applaudible that people spoke out whether you agree with it or not.(People have the right to be dissatisfied)
should people remain silent when they have their liberties trampled on by politicians too? (while a different comparison,but the principle is the same)..
I agree,It could of been addressed differently when it was Q/A time,but it's nice to see people speak out.(as PAYING customer's,they have every right too)
can't be any worse than Hot Toys collector's?![]()
I'd say whining happens with just about every toy line made
Collector's just want their money's worth,it's understandable
Well "the customer is always right" is a very long standing and well respected concept.
I'd also like to point out that id your goal in complaining about people complaining is to reduce conflict it's not a terribly good way of going about it. But who am I to say, I'm here complaining about complaining about complaining.
Except we're buying toys, and though some quality is expected, I am pretty sure any consumer group would laugh if a consumer complaints that "Glimmer's leotard looks like a diaper"
Some people I'm telling you...![]()
WTF is this crap I keep seeing about I'm a paying customer bs. Like since they buy something, it gives them the license and freedom to talk to people however they want and yell out whenever they feel like.
I don't play that crap. Nobody is talking about them expressing that issue was bad, it was the timing and blurting interruption that was tasteless and extremely childish.
Well "the customer is always right" is a very long standing and well respected concept.
The price is a big part of it. If we paid $19.99 each, we would let more go. At $36 or so each, PLUS being forced to buy some you didn't actually want, and dealing with crappy CS..... well, a customer has a right to want quality for that kind of money.
this is true...prices are not cheap for these and its only going to keep getting worse....
You're assuming that the basic relationship between customer and business is a balanced one to begin with. This is especially true with a captive market like the MOTUC line. The business has A LOT more power than the consumer. This is why there's consumer right's groups.
So "paying" customers shouldn't mean anything to a business and a business shouldn't care about "paying" customers? asinine
I agree,they could of went about it in a more polite way (plus I wasn't there),but when it comes to someone's money,you better believe their voice should be heard,especially those who bought just about every figure and bought every Sub for the sake of getting more figures.
It may not matter to you,but it matter's to those who put out alot of money to get these.Mattel doesn't give these away for FREE (unless they over produce guys like Mer-Man)
uh huh
this is true...prices are not cheap for these and its only going to keep getting worse....
BTW I got banned from the .org again because I called out the *********s on the Matty panel
Well, the thing is, apparently the hecklers have some pull with the mods there, to be honest, I don't know who the hell they are, but apparently their feelings were hurt because I called them trolls and clowns... which is basically what they are... apparently I should just call them "passionate"... that.s the P.C. term nowadays...
Whatever, I was there, and more than one person felt it was rude, annoying and embarrassing to hear these guys make fool of themselves... specially when their complaints are nitpicks. But whatever...
For a moment, I thought the guys were drunk or something, because for me it's hard to comprehend how a grown *** adult can behave like a 6 y.o...
Even the little kid at the panel told them: "Who cares?"![]()