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sadly,more POP is coming in the '14 Sub (like Glimmer,Scorpia,Flutterina wasn't enough)

I don't see another POP character being worked into the 2014 sub. There's three already, though one is technically Horde, most of the monthly slots are taken, and there's only one quarterly slot left. Here's what's coming so far in 2014:

Monthly: Two-Bad, Hydron, Glimmer, Scorpia, Blade, Flogg, Extendar, Flutterina, and either Tung Lashor or Squeeze. That's 9 out of 12 right there.

Quarterly: Modulok, Battle Lion, NA Skeletor

If anything, I'd say the last 3 monthly slots will go to vintage characters.
The subscription thing has always been ridiculous. Every year they threaten to cancel the line and scare people into getting subs. Then all of those people get stuck with a bunch of figures they never wanted (with QC issues to boot, usually on the ones they did want lol). At this point Mattel is scraping the bottom of the barrel for releases.

They make it next to impossible for new people to start collecting the line too. It only took what, 3 years to make characters like He-Man and Skeletor available all the time. Even now, new collectors can't get main staples like Teela, Man at Arms, Sorceress, Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, Trap Jaw, Faker, and Stratos without paying stupid prices on Ebay for them.

I'm glad that once I get CG I can be done with Matty.
sadly,more POP is coming in the '14 Sub (like Glimmer,Scorpia,Flutterina wasn't enough)

if the POP sub meant NO more POP figures in the regular Sub,I would be okay with that,but it's not happening..Toyguru does not believe in a POP sub, which is why he has to put them in the regular sub,which why we as subscibers must buy everything because POP wouldn't sell enough units to make these obscure 2nd/3rd tier characters...(secondary market proves this of the abundant amount of POP for sale and how they are hard to re-sell to begin with)

I think we're getting another Filmation sub OR a mix of "Faction" Sub consisting of One popular character from each faction

Mermista??? lol I would have rather wanted a cool action pose fin instead of flutter-whatsherface. but really...mermista would be cool.
I don't see another POP character being worked into the 2014 sub. There's three already, though one is technically Horde, most of the monthly slots are taken, and there's only one quarterly slot left. Here's what's coming so far in 2014:

Monthly: Two-Bad, Hydron, Glimmer, Scorpia, Blade, Flogg, Extendar, Flutterina, and either Tung Lashor or Squeeze. That's 9 out of 12 right there.

Quarterly: Modulok, Battle Lion, NA Skeletor

If anything, I'd say the last 3 monthly slots will go to vintage characters.

Storm or a POP horse is rumored to be the $38 item :mad:

Toyguru said POP will have the most POP a sub has ever had in '14 (don't forget the fan vote of Huntara)

I'd expect at least another POP figure in this years regular Sub

I heard the Snakeman is Tung Lashor

Mermista??? lol I would have rather wanted a cool action pose fin instead of flutter-whatsherface. but really...mermista would be cool.

Supposedly she is suppose to show in '14 and supposedly the lineups apparently get shuffled when things leak..

The Rumor also is Stridor has been Sculpted aswell as Lodar among the few others....

If Huntara makes it into the '14 lineup,I am going to be really mad.Angella is now in '15 probably to be the early Sub seller...

Either way,I don't trust Scott anymore on his idea's of what A-lister's are suppose to be (more like it's his favorites that get made because Flutterina was one he pushed to get made)
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Yeah, I have said it before "a-list" is just bull**** marketing because they can say it means anything they want.
Storm or a POP horse is rumored to be the $38 item :mad:

Toyguru said POP will have the most POP a sub has ever had in '14 (don't forget the fan vote of Huntara)

I'd expect at least another POP figure in this years regular Sub

I heard the Snakeman is Tung Lashor

I hope you're right about Tung Lashor and wrong about the POP horse.

If another POP character does make it into the 2014 sub then yeah, it'll probably be Huntara. I forgot she won that poll. God, how did she ever win that?
If 2014 so far is this:

Monthly: Two-Bad, Hydron, Glimmer, Scorpia, Blade, Flogg, Extendar, Flutterina, Tung Lashor, Huntara

Quarterly: Modulok, Battle Lion, NA Skeletor, POP Horse

I'm betting of the final two montly spots, one will be a 200x character and one will be a vintage character. The remaining vintage characters are

Rio Blast
BLast Attak

As per TG, two movie figures will be released in 2014, and it was heavily implied to be Gwildor. So assuming we get Gwildor plus one more vintage character, we'll be 6 figures short counting Multi-Bot at the end of 2014.
Yeah, I have said it before "a-list" is just bull**** marketing because they can say it means anything they want.

right on! more like anything Scott wants...he picks the lineup

I hope you're right about Tung Lashor and wrong about the POP horse.

If another POP character does make it into the 2014 sub then yeah, it'll probably be Huntara. I forgot she won that poll. God, how did she ever win that?

Same here on Tung Lashor and not getting a POP horse

Huntara won because Scott gives those who attends Cons (not the buying subscribers which are the ones who should of voted to begin with) to vote the destiny of these kind of figures.We know Mattypalooza is dominated by hardcore,and will buy anything with a MOTUC label on it type fans and that panel was infested with POP fans..

Mara had 60 votes to 59 (60 VOTES TO WIN WITH ONLY 119 PEOPLE VOTING???)Another figures that should be voted on by sub holders. These 60 votes to pick Mara just added another nail in the coffin for the 2015 Sub going through.

With Sub prices going up in '15..I just can't reach into my pocket to buy crap like Huntara or Mara anymore

We all know that Rio Blast (who is the last 'good Master' I need in my collection) with be a no day of sale just to stronghold folks into buying a sub (Two-bad the example)
If 2014 so far is this:

Monthly: Two-Bad, Hydron, Glimmer, Scorpia, Blade, Flogg, Extendar, Flutterina, Tung Lashor, Huntara

Quarterly: Modulok, Battle Lion, NA Skeletor, POP Horse

I'm betting of the final two montly spots, one will be a 200x character and one will be a vintage character. The remaining vintage characters are

Rio Blast
BLast Attak

As per TG, two movie figures will be released in 2014, and it was heavily implied to be Gwildor. So assuming we get Gwildor plus one more vintage character, we'll be 6 figures short counting Multi-Bot at the end of 2014.

the 200x character could be Veena...I think Huntara makes it into the 2015 lineup (Scott said she might show in early '15)

and there is a "Hmmm" figure in the lineup that fans might not see as must have worthy which I think could be Lodar,giving us a somewhat popular mini comics character and an easy figure to make up for newly tooled figures.

Gwildor is rumored as SDCC exclusive

Lizard Man to show up as a needed "good guy" Filmation character (could show in the sub or another filmation sub)

The Holiday item I am guessing Rotar and Twistoid 2 pack
Since I'm a Horde guy pretty much all that's left that I really want is Calix.

I couldn't care less about Multi-Bot he doesn't really seem very Horde-y to me anyway. Dragstor I'll take but I am not hankerin' to get him. I might want Entrapa but only if she looks more like this which is very unlikely to happen. More likely she'll look like this which I have no interest in.

edit: Oh I'd really love Adora from the recent comics but that's even less likely than Calix or an actually Horde themed Entrapa.
I think Despara will end up being the sub exclusive for 2015, which I think would be a smart move on Mattel's part. I doubt we will get Calix, but that doesn't bother me. I never understood his appeal. He was just some rock monster thrown in for Hordak to one-shot in a fit of rage to show how evil and powerful the 200X Hordak was. I'd much rather see the Horde Wraiths from the same episode get made.

I'm also disappointed in those convention polls. They should have been done online for sub holders to participate in. That's how the first one was done which Geldor won.
Update pic of all my Horde guys. Still haven't finished repainting my second Horde Trooper.

IMG_1373 by dangercorpse, on Flickr

God, that's just marvelous, isn't it? I have the same Horde lineup, except for Batros. He's off with Skeletor and the rest of the Evil Warriors. I can't wait to add Modulok to the group. That'll give me every Horde member that I had as a kid.
Yeah I know Batros technically isn't Horde but he is in my mind. He and Mosquitor are buddies. It's pretty awesome how many Horde figures we have gotten. I was happy enough with Hordak and Grizzlor.
Do most mantenna figures have the neck/shoulder paint rub?

mine did and mulling if I should try to find one without the problem or it would be a fruitless endeavor
Well,not caring doesn't change the fact you're paying $25 plus shipping for a figure you don't really want..

I subbed for Two-bad and MORE vintage characters and the promise of getting ALL A-list characters...2014 is NOT all remaining A-list IMO..I have 5 figures I want left and I'm out...I'm no longer supporting Obscure messes like Flutterina in the Sub

It also doesn't help the 2015 Sub knowing Mara is one of the 12 monthly...could care less about Blast Attak and Squeeze

You don't like Mattels 'interpretations' if He-Man toys? :lol
Do most mantenna figures have the neck/shoulder paint rub?

mine did and mulling if I should try to find one without the problem or it would be a fruitless endeavor

I believe all of them have the same exact issue. Its a design problem not a QC problem.