Yeah, my understanding is it's all happening in one go. Since I'll be paying about a good $1000 to go to PowerCon all told between flight/hotel/tickets I don't think $25 and shipping is too bad at all. I mean, I'll get the experience of actually going TO the Con, which has been a blast every year I've gone. Without PowerCon I wouldn't have met a group of friends who have made my toy-collecting and personal life so much richer for knowing them. I wouldn't have had a chance to meet Earl Norem, shake his hand, and tell him what an inspiration he's been... it's amazing what a family atmosphere there is there. So much of the drama that exists online... it's just not there. Thank goodness. Or, at least, not with the people I hang out with. LOL. So, in that sense I'm getting a lot more for my money. But, if I were purely down for the toys, the $25 isn't bad. Of course, it's all relative. I always thought people buying Joe/BotCon stuff were suckers. LOL. But now that it's MOTU, my desire for them overrides my sense that I'm probably paying too much for it.
Exclusives are always a dicey prospect. Almost always, someone is going to be locked out of something. Do I LOVE them as a concept? No. Because I'm not really one of those people who needs to have something purely because it's rare or someone else doesn't have it. At the same time, it's a bit of a double-edged sword because you often get companies to make things they might not have otherwise. It's like the beautiful Book of the Vashanti set from Hasbro. Hasbro is taking it's sweet time shipping it out, but I nabbed one from HTS during the sale. That set would not exist at retail, but thanks to SDCC it does. Same with the phasing USS Defiant from Diamond Select.
These three seem to be following the same mold. Camo Khan and Red Beast-Man might have worked in the TRU DC/MOTU 2-packs before that lined was canned. They might have even worked out as one of the traveling Con exclusives one year. But at the rate of one per year, it could have been a long time before we saw them, if Mattel ever planned them. So... I'm torn because I totally understand why people get annoyed with them... but I really do like that they exist to get.
We were told that they should have full packaging. It'll be interesting to see what they did for Granamyr. It seems like photshopping the Red artwork green is the likeliest solution.