Super Freak
Speaking of m0ndo, any idea who will carry them?
Clo4k4ndD4gger that is an awesome diorama.
Has Val revealed yet what this year's power con exclusives will be ? Kinda curious what he wanted this year.
Club Grayskull 2017 - Wave 1 (Filmation style)
• Hordak
• Teela
• Man-At-Arms
• Tri-Klops
Power-Con 2017 3-Pack A
• Stratos (minicomic)
• Trap Jaw (minicomic)
• Prince Adam (minicomic)
Power-Con 2017 3-Pack A
• Horroar
• Hot-Shot
• Lord Gr'Asp
Any word on if the Filmation line will be a subscription?
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Will Super7 be re-releasing Filmation He-Man, Skeletor and Beast-Man? If not, I'm not even going to bother with the Filmation line.
I cannot imagine they will get around to a re-release of Filmation He-Man for quite a while if at all. They subscription was well advertised.
I am very happy with everything, especially the PowerCon exclusives, well most of them. The colour on the Powers of Grayskull hodgepodge figures are really terrible in my opinion. MOTU has a colour palette and these colours do not at all fit into it, especially that Fisto dude. Just horrible colour choice. I am all for fans doing this stuff but folks need to know the brand better if they expect us to buy their ideas. The Stratos, Trap Jaw and Alcala Adam are great though. I do wish the Adam vest was comic accurate but that would involve more tooling and its no small feat that PowerCon got new tooling on Stratos and Trap Jaw, especially his head which is all new and costly.
I am especially excited about the vintage line continuing but looking at the She-Ra, I do wish there was more brand awareness or just know more about the product. I flippen love the Four Horsemen but somethings slip past them or they just get a thing wrong. Nobodies perfect though.![]()
I'm not too crazy about these new characters, but weren't those drawn by Errol McCarthy? What do you mean by fans doing this?
Super 7 and 4H aren't Pros?
Didn't they say they'll be fixing She-Ra's skirt? Other than that, not sure what you mean about brand awareness? Even when it was an "organized brand" back in the 80's it was all over the place...
The new figures what were Powers of Grayskull line are based on black and white line drawings by Errol Mcarthy as discovered by the Power & Honor Foundation. They had no colours and the folks at PowerCon decided to do these in these colours. MOTU has a kind of colour palette and these colours are not in it and are at odds with the rest of the line. Better brand awareness could have avoided this.
The 4Horsemen are pros but they are not infallible. Things like the scope on Sourod's gun and the incorrect colours on Hydron illustrate this. Some of us are just that bit more geeky about this stuff is all and this is in no way questioning the genius of the 4HM.
If you are working on a brand you must know everything about it. On the She-Ra figure, she is given a leaf motif. Well the leave motif is very specific to Teela. She-Ra uses feather motifs. I am not sure what the thinking was behind giving her Teela leave cuffs either. Somebody forgot all about the Sorceress vintage figure which did not follow in any way the design of Teela and Evil Lyn. The skirt is very embarrassing and it should be soft goods anyways as Mattel started doing that around the time Ninjor came out who had soft goods.
I hope that clarifyies what I mean by brand awareness.
Were these guys going to be Powers of Grayskull (I'm having trouble finding the art P&H revealed again)? I think the colors look good for the characters on the right and left. Especially the crocodile guy. I think the green and orange is a unique look. The one that feels strange for me is the middle guy. EXCEPT, if it's Powers of Grayskull and he's from the past and the He-Ro era, I can see it more. If he's next to He-Ro. In a weird way, it's like a transition from MOTUC to NA and that color palette. Hmmm.
I would love to get both sets, but I fear the price on these. I can't go to PowerCon this year so I'll be at the mercy of whatever it costs to get if you're not going.
The skirt issue has already been addressed
Again, as I mentioned earlier, the brand "style" was all over the place even back in the day so I'm still not sure what you mean by brand awareness.
I don't like these figures personally but they definitely have the MOTU style.
I mean, even in the 80's the Comics, Mini-Comics, books, cartoon and toys were so distinctly different and inconsistent, I'm not sure they had the brand guidelines all that tightened...
The perfect example is She-Ra, the toy looks nothing like its cartoon counterpart...