Masters of the Universe Classics

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passing on today's skeletor...already have both versions...the 1st issue is the better version to get...the open hand holds his staff better and has the more yellow head sculpt like the vintage figure

Yeah, I'm the same as that. Though I thought the newer version had more yellow?
Is there side by side pics?
Ski, write this down.

Yeah, I'm the same as that. Though I thought the newer version had more yellow?
Is there side by side pics?

the 1st version is more least mine is...I think I got the rarer "yellow" 1st issue because mine is very much like the vintage..there were 2 runs on 1st issue skeletor (yellow and more green)....
*yawn* But that's why I want the 2nd version...he's slightly different. Holy crap am I tired. Must go back to work. So 10am MST?

the 2nd version is cool too,*yawn* BUT the open hand is much better for posing,plus its like the original...if you compare the hand wins hands down...
:lecture :lecture :lecture GET PUMPED Deak!!!!!! I need yah, it's like Han without :chew

GGGGGGGGGggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwLLL! (Wookiese)

the 2nd version is cool too,*yawn* BUT the open hand is much better for posing,plus its like the original...if you compare the hand wins hands down...


I want both versions :lecture

You bet your Reastman we wants it! :rock
GGGGGGGGGggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwLLL! (Wookiese)

You bet your Reastman we wants it! :rock

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Had to whip out the headphones. :chew Also I almost had to duck out of a meeting because it started at 10, I read my calendar wrong and the meeting is at 10:15. I dodged a work bullett.
Since I was working from home today, I thought I was in the clear and what do you know exactly whenever 11:00 hit one of my analyst IM's me on the laptop, I'm like you gotta be F'N me! :banghead. I was quick to answer her question and placed my ordered immediately for Reletor.

Good thing I have a program I wrote in .NET to keep my status on "Online" idle whenever I'm not on the laptop :lol :joy