Masters of the Universe Classics

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they've pretty much cloned a lot of the threads over at the matty boards so i think they will be ok. it kinda sucks for the org cuz i'm sure matty will rely on their own forums for most of the feedback from now on.

i still don't know what is wrong with having a freemail address. this board allows it. i don't see it over run with spammers. we got mods that deal with that stuff i'm sure. but that's what mods are for. personally it's their loss i guess. i spend my time here and on the matty forums. the org posts pictures as attachments that need to be clicked on to be viewed. so if you're not logged in you can't access them. that is the only reason i want to join. to see more pics. sometimes they talk about mods or something they've done to figures. i would like to see these mods but alas. i cannot.:(
Nothing lasts forever.

That's deep!

The poor, poor org. What will happen to all the whiners?

Too cool to have whiners over here right??! I suppose the palava over BD Iron Man Mark III head was focused complaining as apposed to whining!?

If you are gonna have a pop at an entire community why not be be fair about it.
the whining doesn't bother me. there is plenty of whining at any forum, even here. i find it amusing actually. you can find good info at the org. that's why i keep going back. it's just the principle of not letting me be in thier "club" that makes me a sad panda.:(
the whining doesn't bother me. there is plenty of whining at any forum, even here. i find it amusing actually. you can find good info at the org. that's why i keep going back. it's just the principle of not letting me be in thier "club" that makes me a sad panda.:(

What club are you talking about? The not free email address thing has been there since 2005. Why is this an issue all of a sudden??
What club are you talking about? The not free email address thing has been there since 2005. Why is this an issue all of a sudden??
it's not an issue "all of a sudden". it's always been an issue for me. i've wanted to join the org for years. even before i found this site and i was always disappointed that i couldn't. then i read a post about letting freemailers join and i got excited but then i found out they'll be charging to join which is such utter nonsense. like i said, i just want to see more pics. tell them to let guests view pic attachments and i'll be happy.
it's not an issue "all of a sudden". it's always been an issue for me. i've wanted to join the org for years. even before i found this site and i was always disappointed that i couldn't. then i read a post about letting freemailers join and i got excited but then i found out they'll be charging to join which is such utter nonsense. like i said, i just want to see more pics. tell them to let guests view pic attachments and i'll be happy.

Constant problems with spammers, trolls, redundant accounts, and people who come to create trouble resulted in the ban of free e-mail services back in 2002.

If you can and will provide proof that you pay for a prohibited e-mail service, please let them know and they should be able to sort you out!

The site is still absolutely 100% free.
They are just offering an alterantive to folks who want to join and support the site at the same time. is privately funded I don't think this place is.
on a related note. what ever happened to those custom MOTU t-shirts that supported the org? i was looking for the site recently and it came up as "not found". they were shirts that had emblems and symbols from MOTU characters but you'd never know what they were if you're not a fan cuz they don't say anything about MOTU on them.
I have the new Horde symbol and the Battle Armor He-Man symbol. They are nice quality shirts. I picked them up when they had a 50% off sale. The site is then you can search Not sure how to get to the main store within their site.
it's not an issue "all of a sudden". it's always been an issue for me. i've wanted to join the org for years. even before i found this site and i was always disappointed that i couldn't. then i read a post about letting freemailers join and i got excited but then i found out they'll be charging to join which is such utter nonsense. like i said, i just want to see more pics. tell them to let guests view pic attachments and i'll be happy.

Agreed. This has been my beef with .org too. I've wanted to join the site since it's early days, even before I knew what Sideshow was. It was the no free E-mail thing that bothered me and now bothers me even more (since we'd have to pay). has the same circumstances to deal with as other fansites, but most of the other fansites don't propose the conditions that .org expects members to meet.
today is the day folks 3 PM Coverage

June,July,August reveals and maybe september with additional figures (hopefully)