Masters of the Universe Classics

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it wouldn't be so bad if the reason i didn't get the figure was because i wasn't fast enough. but i had the thing in my cart by 11:01 but it took 20 minutes to get through the check out process and by then he was sold out. that is ____ing weak.

same thing happened to me....Battle Cat was harder to order and I still got him....I think they really made less of Tytus because he was $40...selling out in under 8 minutes in unacceptable! of course, they are gonna wait or never make make a Castle Grayskull playset,because the fear of the line not selling.Mattel is suppose to be the biggest toy company in the world,though they produce product like a 3rd party toy company.

The fear tactic is working...more purchased Subs for 2011! guaranteed sales! forced to buy characters you dont really want! Matty is smiling at you!
It's cool, thanks. I can't believe this was such a beeyotch to get. I mean Battle Cat was easier. I thought for sure we'd have like a half hour window of opportunity to order.
So, let's see how the overly passionate of the .org handle this post.

Except they ARE adapting as fast as they can. It takes 4 to 6 months to up production numbers because that's how far out they buy the raw materials. Let look at it this way. Optikk was released this month. Now, those figures were likely shipped three weeks ago, around the time Evil Lynn sold out. So there's one month down that they cannot change anything. It was likely another month of production so that takes us to Moss Man's sell out time. 2 months down. Then you have the approval process which is likely a third month. That takes us back to February and the Trap Jaw and Battle Cat incident. That's about the time they said they would up the production runs starting next month (June). So you can complain that they need to up the numbers all you want but logistically it won't happen for at least 4 months. If they need to up the numbers again after She-Ra we won't see that until October/November at the VERY earliest.

Well folks, read the well thought out argument here because the thread is gone on the .org. THAT is what really gets me about the mods there. Instead of cleaning a thread out or saving any valid points they just wholesale delete things.
somebody get a rope.

Well I'm back and I see Ole Big Eye is sold out now too. How long did he take?

I hate being a worrier but I can't help but feel worried about not being able to get Keldor and yes the Orko/Adam pack. I'm hoping the production jump for She-Ra helps ease the rest of the main figures for the rest of the year but only time will tell. Who knows how the giant Ape and the King will do later this year too.
so what. so i could register now and not post for 2+ years and then come back and sell something? i thought you had to be a contributing member of the board over a long period of time. not a lurker.

Oh I'm not saying it's right. If you noticed I said it's a completely douchey thing to do, but that's likely how he got around the 50 post rule. By being a ******.