Masters of the Universe Classics

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Well, you are from Texas. :wink1:

:moon *insert :lightsabe

nah it was cool, not a bad price at all. I don't mind paying the piper, sometimes it's something we must do.

I had extra Wun-Dar that cost me a lil more... :panic:

So, wait you are threatening DW with sodomizing him with a lightsaber? I like your style Ski-Mun.
edit: Hey what happened to the Tytus FS thread?

It was removed because of it being a "pre-order"

Hey guys I'm sorry if you feel offended at my price for Tytus, but it is the first time I've gotten something premium like this in quantity, I learned my lesson from getting it in the arse for BC, luckily I have two subs so I didn't get screwed on Wundar but I did get raped with Mossman Flocked, paid 80.00 for it.

So again my apologies. Good luck on finding a Tytus at a reasonable price. :peace
It was removed because of it being a "pre-order"

Hey guys I'm sorry if you feel offended at my price for Tytus, but it is the first time I've gotten something premium like this in quantity, I learned my lesson from getting it in the arse for BC, luckily I have two subs so I didn't get screwed on Wundar but I did get raped with Mossman Flocked, paid 80.00 for it.

So again my apologies. Good luck on finding a Tytus at a reasonable price. :peace

I got my single Tytus and Optikk, sorry to those that missed out.

I've been there with original release Faker, the stands, and the weapons pack, all of which I had to get on Ebay, and as an international fan I wasn't even able to buy Grayskull back in the day, or the recent MOTUC vs DCU two packs, without having to again resort to Ebay and the prices that went along with that, so I wish you guys all luck in being able to get what you missed somewhere for a not too crazy price, so believe me when I say I feel your pain.

If I had any spares I'd put them up for grabs at cost just to help out fellow collectors and fans, but I'm part of a group order with a bunch of other fans, so my slot in that order only lets me be able to get my "one of each" every month, otherwise I'd be more than happy to try and help out if/when I could. Sadly it seems we live in an age where that kind of thing rarely happens any more, too much it seems all about the quick profit, and fandom in general is worse of for it in my opinion.

Anyway, never mind my rant, if I can ever help any of you collectors out in any way, well, my pm box is always open. Just saying.
Well guys, to balance out the budget this month (went a lil overboard) the P1 Predator Exclusive must be sold. Currently in the FS section - see ya there!
I know, but I have other actual bills to pay too. And my new job isn't starting until the middle of next month. Full time with benefits though - just not teaching, which sucks.
I get my Optic on Wednesday. I will more then likely just sell mine off though, don't really care for the character or design.