Mattel: DC Universe Classics

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The ____tease that was Brightest Dayhas literally made me not give a ____ about Swamp Thing or Alec Holland for that matter
Oh damn, I'm not even a fan of Swap Thing but I thought that presentation and figure looked awesome. Love the packaging and the look of the figure.

Bet it doesn't hold up though with that body. In fact, I know it won't. Nice idea with the "exoskeleton articulation", but that won't last.

DC Universe Swamp Thing (plus Un-Men in SDCC packages) ($30)


Yeah he's big, I think 10 inches comparing to the Kilowog figure on the video. I am almost tempted to buy two. I want to see the range of movement. This is almost like the leonidas body from HT. If this is done right and Mattel is smart, this could be their way into the 12 inch market that could blow down the competition. 30 bucks for a 10 inch figure with a rubberized skin, must buy!
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But Mattel isn't smart and they don't know what they are doing :lol

I think Swamp Thing will sell like Hot Cakes, but the final product will suck. Trying out something new on a SDCC figure isn't a good idea. I had a Plastic Man missing a hand and Mattel told me to take it up with MattyCollector(Digital River) and Matty(DR) told me to take it up with Mattel. Basically I was SOL because it was a con exclusive. Mattel tried to offer me a voucher and the tard on the other end didn't get that a voucher would be useless since you could only buy these at SDCC. So I predict a lot of Swampy problems and a lot of pissed collectors.
That sux, Brant. You may want to check on E-bay for a replacement, cheapest one I saw was for 39 with shipping included.
I admit Mattel doesn't seem to have a clue on how to please their customers.
I still am very interested to see how the joints move and the rubber reacts.
Luckily I was able to get a second figure from Matty and sell my 'dud' without the hand to someone for cost. So it was a win-win in the end, but still unfortunate.

To add insult to injury, one of the Starro sets I got was damaged (the eye ball paint was all cracked) so I had to order another one of those too and just return that dud to them. But yeah, they really need a back up plan for SDCC QC issues. Swampy really has me worried as he has been a big demanded character and trying something untested on a rare figure isn't a good idea with Mattel's track record with QC issues. I mean why do they think all of a sudden going joint-less would be a good move? :dunno
That seems to be Matty's thing, to just try stuff out on a whim kind of thing. It's like the new GLC line with there new bodies and multiple joints that are screwed up, they just went ahead and threw the new bodies on two waves without much QC it appears...
New joints over a new type of body entirely is a big leap though. I mean if they wanted to try this out on Swamp Thing, then they should have made him a standard release of some sort. Trying things out on Con Ex isn't a good idea if there are any QC issues, especially given my past experiences with them. I mean if it works out, then Bravo Mattel, but if it doesn't, then I can't really say I would be surprised.
Im big fan of Mattel DCUC line and I got these figures:
Wave 4 Wonder Woman,Captain Atom and Cyborg
Wave 12 Spectre
Wave 14 Alan Scott Green Lantern and Todd Rice
SDCC 2010 Plastic man without suitcase
Im planning to get all wave 16 figures.
Anybody going to SDCC who can pick up a Swamp Thing for me? :pray: I don't know how successful Matty will be with this new body, but I know I need to pick up a Swamp Thing.
Good for you, Desamo. This is my favorite line and the only thing that I am a completist about. I am always amazed at this line everytime I look at my wall of DCUC figures.

Samueljd - Remember that you can order these online at the matty site. The only thing exclusive to the SDCC is the Un-men extras. Like Plastic man, remember?
Remember that you can order these online at the matty site. The only thing exclusive to the SDCC is the Un-men extras. Like Plastic man, remember?

I think the Un-men is a nice touch to Swampy. If I can't get the EX, no biggy the Reg will be just fine.
The ST design is a bit odd. I like the direction, but not sure why a new method was needed for this. Perhaps we'll understand more in time. I can't say I've really ever had any issues with the sdcc figures QC wise as it seems Mattel uses a qualitative approach to these exclusives versus low bid manufacturer, but who knows. I just make damn sure I open all their stuff in the hotel room the night I get em. Can't take any chances, and with the QC what it is of late, I'm contemplating buying two just to make sure! Gonna def be interesting.