Thanks. I am glad to hear that the simulated leather is such high quality.QUOTE]
I love my adult replica belts. I'm up to 7 of them. I just got a Smackdown Tag Team replica that I won from ebay. Unfortunately the strap is in a similar condition as the belt in the comparison link I'm providing. So I'm going to have it releathered. If you don't take care of them (just like any other collectible), they can bubble over time. I've had my oldest belts for 5 years with no sign of any of this.
This is exactly what the belts are made out of:
Not posting it to scare you from buying any replica belt, but to educate you on what it's made of and what could happen if the belts aren't taken care of. The deluxe and ultra deluxe belts have real leather like they say (instead of synthetic leather), but they have the same cardboard inner shell that you find in normal replicas. The belts are not floppy like you see on TV and kind of stiff.