-Super Hans-
Super Freak
meh. he's just playing the nice guy card for votes
I've always respected the man, as I've said many times, if he were the McCain of 8 years ago, I might have even voted for him.
As bad and as partisan as this campaign is, it's really a breath of fresh air compared to 4 years ago where it seemed we didn't a logical choice for president. Just an idiot and...who ran against Bush...?
Both BO and JC are intelligent men who do seem to have the best interests of the country at heart.
I totally agree. It's really apparent with how many Obama supporters there are.HE'S AN ARAB. !!!!! LOLLL...The problem with the American voters is that there is too many dumb ones.
I totally agree. It's really apparent with how many Obama supporters there are.
he's just playing the nice guy card for votes
To really be the McCain of old, he'd have to start saying things like, "My opponent is a Christian, and even if he were a Muslim, that wouldn't make him the enemy. Do you think of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or Muhammad Ali as your enemies? Would you say these things in their presence? Our nation was founded upon freedom of worship. As for Senator Obama's middle name, my own name contains that of the first person in the Bible to spill innocent blood -- need I be worried about what people might draw from my name?"
I totally agree. It's really apparent with how many McCain supporters there are.
He'd redeem himself in the process.
There. I fixed it for you.I totally agree. It's really apparent with how many political candidate supporters there are.
Yeah I agree!
Redeem himself.... McCain...not Obama...Wow...that's pretty funny. We'll see how everyone feels about the "messiah" in 4 years.
Redeem himself.... McCain...not Obama...Wow...that's pretty funny. We'll see how everyone feels about the "messiah" in 4 years.
Why is that funny? It's pretty obvious that McCain has sullied himself with the promotion of misinformation, fear and hate. As an American, I'm deeply ashamed of his campaign. Don't like Obama's stance on the issues, fine, but that doesn't have anything to do with the personal, ugly, hate-filled attack campaign the republicans have run yet again this year. It is our responsibility to denounce hate even if it comes from the party to which we ascribe, which is why I applaud conservatives like Frank Schaeffer.