Like I said, my money's on a Riot Gear Rick as its just a head swap. Not sure what they could do with Dwight other than a B&W variant.
Of course they could really surprise us and go a full Negan and give us an all new figure. Did they say when it would be revealed? I remember just a few short years ago people announced SDCC exclusives back in Feb or April. Then May. Then June. And now we're lucky if anything is announced more than a week out from the con!

There were even a few things last year I didn't know existed until I saw them at the con!
At least the Skybound figures are the easiest figures to get at the con. I literally walked up last year, said "On Governor, please." Handed over my cash and walked away. 10 seconds tops. Wish they were all that easy
And yeah, sadly I'll be getting Shane. I've got everything else so far (non B&W that is) and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I have a problem