Super Freak
Yeah just saw pics of the Daryl one on FB. While I did kinda figure it'd be the mini big head, did not expect them to further blind bag it and make it these ones. Kind of a bummer.
No pic? Could you link us?
Yeah just saw pics of the Daryl one on FB. While I did kinda figure it'd be the mini big head, did not expect them to further blind bag it and make it these ones. Kind of a bummer.
No pic? Could you link us?
They're phasing out the blind bags too.
Oh, McFarlane...
Yeah, with one final "screw you" with it
Frankly, I'm glad to see the blind bags go. I suck at them and always ended up buying a full case just to get everything. At least we can also pick out the best paint jobs now with the display cases.