Medicom Anakin Skywalker ROTS

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Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

:lol :lol I don't think Sideshow would unaturally inflate the price of these figures... I mean they have to compete with other importers as well. I could be wrong, but there usually isn't a weird mark up with HT figures.

99$ toys2 rocky3

124$ SS rocky3
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I stand corrected... :lol Oh well, still wouldn't want him at $150... but its at least not as shocking.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I stand corrected... :lol Oh well, still wouldn't want him at $150... but its at least not as shocking.

150$ is my ^^^^ing limit. (unless it's a fig like IM)
So i'd be fine with 149$, but i refuse to pay more than that. It don't matter cause this will be cheaper at online places later on for me.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

How the hell did a miss quote you :confused:

this is how you edited my quote...
Originally Posted by Krayt Dragon
"a clone would be more expensive to make than ani"

And this is what i wrote...

Originally Posted by Krayt Dragon

"Anyways ya'd think a clone would be more expensive to make than ani."

Implying That i SAID it was more expensive to make a clone, when alls i said was "ya'd think"

Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Except that most of the Toys2 shipping options cost you enough that it balances out to be just about same price as going through SSC.

But you'd also get it a lot faster than you would from SS :)

And it's still a mark up
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

But you'd also get it a lot faster than you would from SS :)

And it's still a mark up

Not necessarily on the faster, I thought that with Rambo 3 from Hot Toys and it bit me in the ass, T2 got it months after SSC.

All I'm getting at is Toys2 probably comes down a bit more than they'd like because with their shipping options, they'd lose out on a lot of U.S. business to Sideshow, so they have to come down to balance the pricing and be competitive. This means ya, SSC's markup is probably fairly high if T2 can come down, but it doesn't matter so much the product price with these companies, it's comparison of the final total you pay, and either T2 or SSC on the Rocky figure, you're going to pay the same, and it's a gamble on which one will get the product first.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I believe Toys2 always gets their HT figs faster. They are an official HT distributor. At least that's always been the case as far as i could see.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

All I'm getting at is Toys2 probably comes down a bit more than they'd like because with their shipping options, they'd lose out on a lot of U.S. business to Sideshow,
I dunno bout that, have you seen the price of their medicom figs? Outrageous!

They sell stuff everywhere, i don't think they care about price comparison with SS too much.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Most of the time you're right, which is why I went T2 for my Rambo 3, I was impatient, and for some reason with that figure, things got screwy and I got bit in the butt on it. Some stuff lately's been same time, I think the Pirates stuff recently came to both right around same time. Either way, you're still not saving any money if you're in the U.S., often T2 can be higher than going through SSC. I bit the bullet getting the ALIENS figure for more money at T2 just cuz I wanted it faster.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Is anyone really buying this thing for $175? Anakin PF is only $125 more!

Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I should cancel all of my hottoys stuff from SS then and order from them instead.
Medicom Anakin

Does anyone have any pics of Medicom's 1:6 Anakin? I'm curious to see if they nailed it as much as they did their 1:6 Solo.

Edit: Thanks to the admin who moved my post. He looks awesome!
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