Medicom Anakin Skywalker ROTS

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Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I will get him with reward points or through an online retailer to get it cheaper. Yes the SS one doesn't do it for me either. The falling out of the arm, the clothing not tucked in on the arm like it should've been and the buck etc. etc. Only thing i like about the SS one is the slim blade, otherwise this one just looks fantastic.(plus this one has the new wrists AKA bruce lee)

As for the color of this blade i like the deep blueness
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3


SS< Medicom < Daren resculpt

Yes, I agree. Medicom is better than Sideshow, but way behind Darren's resculpt in my opinion. And you can buy a Sideshow Anakin, Darren's head, and have it painted for less than the price of Medicom version.

Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

You guys really like the robe? IMHO that's easily the worst thing about this figure (which looks nice otherwise).

Not the tailoring, but the fabric used. It looks like a soft fuzzy bathrobe (just like Jedi Luke's, which was equally bad). Not very accurate at all.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Yes, I think the robe looks all wrong, too. As does that baseball bat of a lightsaber. I'm not trying to be negative, but I'm not seeing what's so good about this, especially for the price.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Yes, I agree. Medicom is better than Sideshow, but way behind Darren's resculpt in my opinion. And you can buy a Sideshow Anakin, Darren's head, and have it painted for less than the price of Medicom version.


The sculpt is nice. Congrats!

The problem is the resculpted head still goes on a SS buck's body. Dragon highlighted many of SS problems with their Anakin.

I concede Medicom's sabre and robe look off BUT i'm still looking forward to it!!!
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Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Yes, I think the robe looks all wrong, too. As does that baseball bat of a lightsaber. I'm not trying to be negative, but I'm not seeing what's so good about this, especially for the price.

Well, for their price almost all 1/6 Medicom figures are becoming increasingly bad buys. Their Indiana Jones figure, for example, is an outright joke at $150. And for $180 they can go pound sand with this one, too.

I'd be tempted if it were under $100, though... but I'd still use it for parting out to make the ultimate 1/6 Anakin figure. Maybe it'll be available for $80-90 or so a year from now.

And I don't know what Medicom's infatuation is with fuzzy robes and coats. Even their TDK Joker suffers from that. :huh
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

I really like the jedi luke robe a lot. While not totally accurate it hangs very well, i expect the same here. It's spendy but it is what it is, and i'll get it as it is the best anakin out there but not through SS unless i got some RP saved up by then.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Yes, I think the robe looks all wrong, too. As does that baseball bat of a lightsaber. I'm not trying to be negative, but I'm not seeing what's so good about this, especially for the price.

Not only is the lightsaber wiffle bat-shaped, it looks a little too dark of a blue color.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3


You make good points about Medicom figures. What you get doesn't justify the high price tag. I buy for the love :eek:

Anakin / Vader is my all time favorite character. I have Medicom's ROTS Vader so Anakin is a must for me. Even with a horrid price tag, fuzzy robe and baseball bat sabre.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3


You make good points about Medicom figures. What you get doesn't justify the high price tag. I buy for the love :eek:

Anakin / Vader is my all time favorite character. I have Medicom's ROTS Vader so Anakin is a must for me. Even with a horrid price tag.

Nothing at all wrong with that. Too each their own. :duff
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

This and Medi Han are really the only SW figures i am looking forward to. (besides SS vader)
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

You guys really like the robe? IMHO that's easily the worst thing about this figure (which looks nice otherwise).

Not the tailoring, but the fabric used. It looks like a soft fuzzy bathrobe (just like Jedi Luke's, which was equally bad). Not very accurate at all.

Not digging the robe and the tabards look like strips of plastic instead of a leatherish material.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

To me, Medicom is hit or miss with the head/hair sculpts. The RAH Han rocks...I would buy that one if I had 200.00 to drop on a figure...Anakin's hair sculpt could be a little better, but those boots are outstanding!!! I enjoy how Medicom puts attitude into the character's face, (hint Sideshow.) But man, for a 180. dollar figure you would think Medicom would create better wrist articulation. Gee whiz, that's a MEGO wrist!!!
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

This figure does have the new bruce lee style wrists, where the medi han don't.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

a bigger pic from

I like the robe, eventhough it looks fuzzy. At least it doesnt look like a beggar robe.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3


Gonna be so awesome with the new wrists. (like maul) Keep it up medi and give us a luke.
Re: Medicom Anakin ep3

Easy pass. After Medicom's hard failed attempts at ROTS Vader and the sincher, Darth "The Giraffe" Maul, I'll only be picking up the troopers. For near $200, the quality just isn't there and I really can't believe that Japanese standard in QC would allow these figures to ship to customers like that! Sure it looks nice in all the prototype shots, but wait until you have it in hand. The overall quality of the material used, from fabric to plastic, is considerably cheaper than that which Sideshow uses and double the price. Add to this the high probability of the damn things, despite the fact you're handling them with kid gloves, breaking while trying to pose them. I'm tired of being excited about their releases, dropping the cash and then feeling @$$****ed when I get the figure out of the box and in hand. Lucas should pass the line to Hot Toys who actually care what their finished product looks like, where it'd be easier to justify the $200 price tag.
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