Medicom EP2 Clone Pre-Order is Up

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I think it might be game over actually.

Here's a first in that for once I agree with Josh.
Medicom have shown little intent on expanding or improving their SW line in any way and now SSC have added armor to their repertoire along with better quality base bodies they are far better equipped to compete with the big boys (HT and Medicom) than ever. Their sculpt quality has always been far better than Medicom and if the tailoring and production paint continue to improve as they have on some recent figures then there's really no point in Medicom continuing. Medicom will have the best Darth Maul,Yoda & Wicket figures out there but if General Kenobi is anything to go by their armored ones will be surpassed in a matter of time.
I meant more on the lines of more/different characters,not changing there formula.

Well even that wouldn't help them too much. Other than doing characters SSC has already done and perhaps doing them more to people's liking, moving onto fresh characters, their other issues will still not push them enough. They'd have to work on both style/quality and character choice to stay a "Force" in 1/6 Star Wars figures if SSC is moving like this, and I just don't see Medicom doing it. The SSC-HT collaboration has been no secret, is about a year old, and still no sign of concern from Medicom. I think they're content with where they are and will either continue to produce like they have for Star Wars or withdraw. With competition and a heftly license fee to LFL, they may just decide they don't care anymore, or their market may be unaffected by SSC's product and they keep going.
i can't justify spending $150 on an episode 2 medi clone trooper when i own the first one they put out. slight variance does not equal the hefty pricetag. pass.
I hadn't even paid attention before, not only is Obi-Wan more impressive, but Medi is up for sale with the wrong gun :lol
Yes, this one doesn't vary to much from the first clone that was released. I didn't go through the trouble of comparing pictures of the E2 clone, and the E3 clone, so I'm asking someone that has: are there other differences between those two clones, besides their helmets and guns?

Hello? hello hello hello. Is anybody here?
I'll get this eventually through a distributor, but I'm very upset it does not come with the long rifle.
Now that SS has announced their first armored figure, we'll be seeing SS & Medicom purposely making characters that complement each other. The two companies won't make any of the same figures concurrently.
5 pages vs. 70 pages... Hmmmm.....

That's only cause SS has finally made a nice figure,an armoured one at that.Medicom has been making them,oh and this is an SS forum.But if the armoured Obi looks as good as the proto then I would be more than happy to start heavily collecting the SS 12'' again.
And the difference between the two is...?

Have you seen the prequels?:confused:


ya know... I never paid that much attention to the Clones either. :monkey1

I think if they had been actual people in costumes they wouldn't have been so anonymous. As it was they were drowned in the sea of CGI that made up the prequel trilogy.
Ther are two differences Dave,m one, is the headgear, as pointed out earlier. The other, is that in ATOC the clones used a longer rifle as opposed to a shorter carbine.

and medi STILL gave him the wrong GUN!
AOTC was my least favorite out of all of the Star Wars films, but this clone floats my boat! i am in!

Medicom has provided us with a plethora of great armored SW figures... now that SST is in the game, the more the merrier! Medicom will always have a place in my collection.
I may still pick up one or two down the road when the price drops. The Medi sculpt and height are really nice and the articulation is great. I do wish tthey'd been given the longer rifle though, just to further separate from the ROTS version. I really want to make an ARC!!!!
I may still pick up one or two down the road when the price drops. The Medi sculpt and height are really nice and the articulation is great. I do wish tthey'd been given the longer rifle though, just to further separate from the ROTS version. I really want to make an ARC!!!!

Sorry, but I don't know all the SW acronyms, what is ARC? Everyone seems to want one or make one.