MEDICOM RAH Alien Figure Pics

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Well, I have both the HT Big Chap and the medicom, Have to say the medicom wins. Its isn't painted as much and is a lot smaller but it just looks and feels cool and more like the original Giger Alien.
Are any of those the NECA Alien ? I just bought the large 22 inch NECA one and it looks very similar to one of the ones you posted.

here's my Medicom RAH alien with X-files stand ……
it looks great !
and finally I have no desire for HT BIG CHAP ,haha!
Me neither. Best Alien I own. I dont even mind the paint. It's fine in person. I love the "suit". Feels really cool.
It has got a very expensive feel to it in hand hasn't it? I don't think that comes across in photos too well, the HD review on Youtube is still the best way to see it without owning it.

Still, it's not perfect. The top row of teet are starting to bug me a little. They're ok from the front, but from the side they stick out a bit too far. I'm almost tempted to try and fix the jaw firmly shut on mine.
How tall is this figure? I'm bout to snag one at that price, but was wondering about how it might look against other figures.

Man, someone really has to do a re-paint of this figure. That's such a great shot, and I can only imagine how much more amazing it would look after a skilled painter had got his hands on it.

As for scale, while it's not something that concerns me personally, the Alien is definitely small. Since getting it I've bought a couple of SW Medicoms, and the Alien even looks small next to them.
An angle you might not have seen before:


And one trying to back light it, like in the film: