Medicom RAH Jango Fett!!!!!

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Yeah think i'm going to break down and order one this weekend..And i got EL Rouranous to thank:monkey5
A toast to figures coming out of the box perfect!


Did I mention this is my favorite figure yet? :chew
If he is a vodka man, he should be drinking Ketel One. Now that's vodka!

Damn you all... I'm going to break down this weekend and buy him. :emperor:emperor
I remember that (when they're at the table). But he doesn't wear it when they're watching the execution? Weird I thought he did.
Have there been any repaints of the headsculpt? I imagine under the hand of Mikey, Les or Josh that baby would sing.
Yeah that would be cool but the HS is so nice i doubt any would think it's even worth it.(love to see it though)
I'm about to buy this guy for those who have him how would you rank him on a scale 1-10(price not a factor) thx.
I'm about to buy this guy for those who have him how would you rank him on a scale 1-10(price not a factor) thx.

10 IF you don't plan on displaying him with the Jango head showing. He's really that great. I was especially impressed with the holsters as they are plastic but really look like leather, even moreso than real leather on this scale. The armor is perfectly painted to look like metal, even has a sheen in the light. And of course the blasters are excellent sculpts. The headsculpt is pretty decent although it's not perfect, I think eyes throw it off. Still even minus the helmet he's a 9.5.
Actually i plan on displaying without the helmet mostly.And from what i've seen of the HS i'm gonna dig it just fine thx for your input.
That's one badass trio!!! Can't wait for Boba and the Shockies to arrive! Then I'm gonna have to wait for more 501st Clones to surface. I figure I'll give them a few months and they should pop up a bit more.
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