Super Freak
No word from Estatic Arts yet about their stock, but fingers crossed.
Just heard back from AmiAmi, they should be receiving their stock around the 28th.
I just paid for my Link!!!! So excited!!
What shipping method did you go with??
I wanted to change to EMS, I originally went with SAL, but I figure EMS will be here in a few days, SAL might be a week or two, it's hard to tell. So now I'm just waiting for them to update my invoice
Got my payment request from hlj! Can't pay it for a few days, but still excited!
Looks like shipping ems will only be about $27 bucks too, so I should be out the door for just under $180.
amiami Sal was 3800 yen
a piano should cost that much to ship
I went with AmiAmi's EMS because it was only 100 yen extra, but $40 is about standard for EMS from the US, so I didn't think it was a big deal, but if HLJ's EMS was only $27, that's a pretty substantial difference, considering HLJ's pre-oder price was only $5 more than AmiAmi.