Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
It's called promoting
No way, really Nova?
Tommy Lee Jones looked bored.
TLJ is probably think "i'm too old for this"
I enjoyed this a lot; don't know what reviewers that are saying it's crap are talking about.
The start's a bit slow, and TLJ looks very tired (but really, in what movie does he not look that way)...but other than that, this was a great MIB film. Josh Brolin is easily the best part; seeing K smile and laugh is much more satisfying than it should be
And the ending was great...
I really liked how they explained K's 'seriousness' as being due to seeing J's father get killed...some people probably saw that coming a mile away, but it didn't even occur to me until the kid says his name's 'James'.
A great sequel, which is rare.
Is it safe to say that it's much better than II?
Can anyone whose seen it please tell me how much screen time Alice Eve has?
Can anyone whose seen it please tell me how much screen time Alice Eve has?