No I think he means they should try expanding the library with new IPs instead of just re-hashing new sequels when it comes time to replenish the bank accounts. During the years of development for MGS4 Kojima kept sAying he was done with Snake and that he wanted to move on. (I personally want him to try his luck with an RPG, but that's just me)
Being a huge fan of Metal Gear Solid, I would have also liked for the series to just end after MGS 4. Konami is just milking the series right now with "Rising" and "Peace Walker". Sure, Hideo claimed that Peace Walker will be the true end to the franchise... but wait, didn't he say the same thing about MGS 4? I'm certain that Hideo would like to move on to other projects, and let Metal Gear Solid rest in peace, but Konami wouldn't let him do so. Metal Gear Solid is Konami's cash cow, and they can't just let that series go away.
All that being said, we have to remember, that Hideo is an employee for Konami, and most likely, they didn't give him to go-ahead for any new projects. It sucks, in that we probably won't see a new Zone of the Enders, Snatcher, or whatever else for a very long time.