Holy crap were getting Gekkos!
Awesome. They better make it to Europe.
**** VR Mission 18 and **** mastifs
i may aswell be sat in another room when they spawn on mission 18 because im useless against them. and its not that im bad at the game, i only play on revengeance difficulty but its just the mastifs. my brain cant predict them
Not too sure about that if it's in a special edition they usually keep it that way I have never seen any evidence that something would be re released on its own from any of the premium packages for Metal Gear
Sent from the Shell by codec.
guys!!!! sweet news! amazon has gekkos on pre order for an august release. theyre 40 bucks for 2. im so glad i didnt pull the trigger on the 110 dollar ones on ebay!
Jr although we appreciate that you gave us cheap prices on stuff just do that in MGS collectibles only no need for a double post because then we scramble to look at all of them and get disappointed with the same thing
Sent from the Shell by codec.
hey guys... help me out! a page before there metioned 5 versions of raiden. i only know the normal version/white and the red play arts kai version...
also never saw an other version... so what the 2 other versions??