I know that I must sound like a broken record, but, there's just way too much that I hate about this game

. Kojima had effectively destroyed Solid Snake, and reduced him to being unrecognizable, whiny, and old. He used to be wise and all-knowing - the type of person you'd go to for advice for all of life's questions. But, in MGS 4, he get's made fun of, disrespected to no end, and a wuss who can't even take his own life - when he's a fearless "legendary soldier" who has been on countless suicide missions. The only worthwhile things that he ever said in the entire game were: "It's not about winning or losing - it's about growing into a whiny old bastard (more, or less)", and that awful "lightning in the rain" nonsense.
I really loved MGS 4 when it first came out, but after getting off the hype train a few years ago, it just became blatantly clear that it's a horrible addition to the series. Playing it again for the trophies just reminds me even more of that. I'm not a mind reader, but judging from many of his interviews, I think that deep down, Kojima must regret making this game the way he did.