Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Alright, I need a release date already! These figures are like a dream come true for me. Perfect size (my opinion), great sculpts, and decent price! Win, win, win! The waiting game just sucks.
Oh, by the way. I just want to point out that when Hot Toys actually decides to release their figures, I am pretty sure the first one will be of the sneaking suit version. Therefore they will use some kind of rubber that will be chalked full of problems (like usual) making it look awesome initially, but in all reality will only be enjoyed for about a year before you get scared and sell him off. Soooooo, I will make my point by saying that Play Arts has thought of a very clever way of hiding joints, therefore making it possibly for them to make their figures in full plastic, while still making them look awesome!
To anybody that skipped out on the sneaking suit version, I will only tell you this. DO NOT SKIP OUT ON THIS FIGURE!!!!!!! It is my favorite figure I own so far! I haven't got the fatigue version, but am still eyeballing it all the same. The Sneaking suit with the extra armor does look a little too chunky though. That version kinda makes me feel like we're watching Big Boss run around in some kind of 24-7 suit, which feeds him and lets him take a dump on the go. Just my opinion.
Oh also, just a side note question to anybody that might know. I have read in a review (I think it was on Amazon) that Play Arts released the Peace Walker figures initially from Japan, while the rest were made in China (of course). Is there any truth in this matter? Somebody please let me know.
Its a great time to be a solid snake fan. Really hope squeenix has plans for a metal gear rex in the pipeline
Oh, by the way. I just want to point out that when Hot Toys actually decides to release their figures, I am pretty sure the first one will be of the sneaking suit version. Therefore they will use some kind of rubber that will be chalked full of problems (like usual) making it look awesome initially, but in all reality will only be enjoyed for about a year before you get scared and sell him off. Soooooo, I will make my point by saying that Play Arts has thought of a very clever way of hiding joints, therefore making it possibly for them to make their figures in full plastic, while still making them look awesome!
To anybody that skipped out on the sneaking suit version, I will only tell you this. DO NOT SKIP OUT ON THIS FIGURE!!!!!!!

Im very curious about the materials for the MGS3 Snake. ultimately the look is whats the deciding factor. I hope they go for an artistic looking Snake rather than a realistic version( which they'll proli do)

The great thing about Play Arts is they make soo many figures it'll be hard to miss out. Even now you can get the first peace walker snake for £30, amazing! That said im proli gonna double up on each one :lol

The only issue is the QC, they can have loose joints and such but hopefully their stepping up their game in that aspect as they have with their licenses.

Its a great time to be a solid snake fan. Really hope squeenix has plans for a metal gear rex in the pipeline

that would be sick. A ThreeA one for home and a Play Arts for your desk lol
I wouldn't mind bringing a few things to have in my cubicle, but some people don't understand the concept of look don't touch.

They are action figures, not dolls! lol
i cant believe they actually made the red and blue one!!!!!! i am so ____ing pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ill be getting 3 Ninjas!!!!!! One to display with the Grey Fox HS and the Arm Gun, The other one with the sword and the Red and Blue just cause i have wanted it since 1997!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
The figures are confirmed for a february release. :panic:too far away!!:impatient:

Its a french metal gear fan site. bang it in google translate

the pics are from the live stream of konami's last tgs confrence

if you want more pics of the final version of the figures look at the last few pages. If you want the official product pics they havent release quite yet, as i said these are just creen caps from ustream
A February release is awesome!! lol for me anyway :D . I'll have enough time to save up for these, as the fourth quarter has been tough with all the pre-orders I have coming this year.
That does look very nice, except the eyes rolling back look. Looks like he's either dead or having an orgasm.