Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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That does look very nice, except the eyes rolling back look. Looks like he's either dead or having an orgasm.

I thought he had a damaged right eye? i think its just an all white eye, and the other is looking up for a sort of intimidating pose or something :lol
Why wont they make Raiden go away for good? I mean i know he's better than he used to be but still.. Cool and different premise for a MGS game but to me it's go Snake or go home...

Agreed. I only think that they're making this game based on Raiden is because it's going to be cross platformed. The fact that the 360 discs can't really hold too much info, they're probably not going balls out on it. I'm pretty sure, they're saving all the juice for a future release of Metal Gear w/snake (or Big Boss). I just don't see too much epicness coming from tis particular game. I could be wrong, but we all have seen how big MGS4 was, and that was due to the fact that a Blu Ray disc has a larger memory, therefore making it longer, and over all more epic.
Yeah, sure, make the argument that the 360 can make multiple discs, but I'm sure they don't want to go that route.
Agreed. I only think that they're making this game based on Raiden is because it's going to be cross platformed. The fact that the 360 discs can't really hold too much info, they're probably not going balls out on it. I'm pretty sure, they're saving all the juice for a future release of Metal Gear w/snake (or Big Boss). I just don't see too much epicness coming from tis particular game. I could be wrong, but we all have seen how big MGS4 was, and that was due to the fact that a Blu Ray disc has a larger memory, therefore making it longer, and over all more epic.
Yeah, sure, make the argument that the 360 can make multiple discs, but I'm sure they don't want to go that route.

I actually like Raiden alot, after the complete shock of playing him in MGS2 wore off. Im hoping we get to play origional Raiden at the begining of Rising. Like a tutorial level, that would be soo sick!

I just hope that the game being multiplatfom doesn't jepordise the graphics or game in anyway. thats my biggest fear.

secondly i hope the next big Metal Gear Solid is about Solid Snake rather than BigBoss. It seems Kojima is steering the story to make BB seem to be a Hero all along which would be horrific! plus i think Solid is way more badass
I prefer Solid myself! To me he's the purest character in the series the one truly relateable character, when you play you feel with him... i never got that from BB, Raiden etc.
I prefer Solid myself! To me he's the purest character in the series the one truly relateable character, when you play you feel with him... i never got that from BB, Raiden etc.
I dunno i totally felt for Raiden when he "managed to avoid drowning!" :lol

but yeah BB always just felt like an imitation of Snake. I didn't like MGS4 Snake that much either, there were only a few snipets of his old self in that game:(

hopfully the new MGS is with Young Snake once more:pray:
Well, since you all love Big Boss so much :lol I just finished off a review of the upcoming Snake in Combat Dress Play Arts figure :


Square Enix Snake Combat Dress review

As for the discussion at hand, I actually liked Big Boss in 3, though yeah, pretty sure almost everyone prefers Solid Snake himself. Raiden...he grew on me after 4. I'll definitely try Rising.
I think Raiden is a very cool character but he is only as good as Solid Snake lets him to be. Its kind of a Batman and Robin thing. I like how tragic Raiden became in 4 especially after playing as him in 2 he was very different than Snake but in the end he became a scarred destroyed version of what he used to be.

Big Boss is a pretty cool character but I think Kojima is taking it too far with trying to redeem the Outer Heaven situation. I like that all the characters in the games have various reasons for doing what they do that hardly make them typical bad guys but its getting taken a little too far with Big Boss.

Basically Solid Snake ftw

Well, since you all love Big Boss so much :lol I just finished off a review of the upcoming Snake in Combat Dress Play Arts figure :


Square Enix Snake Combat Dress review

As for the discussion at hand, I actually liked Big Boss in 3, though yeah, pretty sure almost everyone prefers Solid Snake himself. Raiden...he grew on me after 4. I'll definitely try Rising.

Great review I really like your site
I pass all playarts figure.. Im a MGS lover but looking at the quality makes me down... Since im focusin on 1:6 scale, I just expecting the HT or other company MGS products.. because RAH SNAKE is my first ever 1:6 figure that brought me into this hobby ^^
I have a Medicom RAH Snake (Croc cap one) that has a broken arm. Anyone know which is the right body to replace it with? There are lots of Medicom bodies on eBay but I have no idea which one is the right one with all the different types.

Also, I am tempted to sell my other two RAH Snake as I have not even opened them and am looking forward to the Hot Toys. Does anyone think the prices for those will rise again in the future? It seems the price has tanked recently ($125? :S) and I paid $180 or more after taxes for them (re-release version) from BBTS. :/
I have a Medicom RAH Snake (Croc cap one) that has a broken arm. Anyone know which is the right body to replace it with? There are lots of Medicom bodies on eBay but I have no idea which one is the right one with all the different types.

Also, I am tempted to sell my other two RAH Snake as I have not even opened them and am looking forward to the Hot Toys. Does anyone think the prices for those will rise again in the future? It seems the price has tanked recently ($125? :S) and I paid $180 or more after taxes for them (re-release version) from BBTS. :/

The shoulder on my squares camo snake is busted too...
I pass all playarts figure.. Im a MGS lover but looking at the quality makes me down... Since im focusin on 1:6 scale, I just expecting the HT or other company MGS products.. because RAH SNAKE is my first ever 1:6 figure that brought me into this hobby ^^

i gotta say the quality of the MGS1 figures look amazing, will you really pass on them sick thangs?

The shoulder on my squares camo snake is busted too...

dd you guys mess with em alot? these figures are [ame=""]Malibu Advert/Commecial - I Just Want To Buy A Melon - YouTube[/ame]

@canuck_spartan If your RAH was the 1st print it'll make good money since their sealed, otherwise all you could get is what you paid for em. I have both original figures and ive decided to keep em, the one that'll sell well is the exclusive Square camo vesion and croc cap
The shoulder on my squares camo snake is busted too...

Yeah, I heard the older Medicom bodies for the RAH is pretty fragile. :/
I really did not even play with them that much... just occasionally moved his arms and legs.

What I really want to do now is just get a RAH body off of eBay (but which one... so many versions? :/) that is the same as the one on my original figure. I will keep the Croc Cap version for sure, but I am not sure if I want to keep 3 Snakes since the HT ones are coming out too and I'd most likely want those too.
Yeah, I heard the older Medicom bodies for the RAH is pretty fragile. :/
I really did not even play with them that much... just occasionally moved his arms and legs.

What I really want to do now is just get a RAH body off of eBay (but which one... so many versions? :/) that is the same as the one on my original figure. I will keep the Croc Cap version for sure, but I am not sure if I want to keep 3 Snakes since the HT ones are coming out too and I'd most likely want those too.

Im not sure but i think the RAH body for snake has a customized forearm but other than that it was a standard body?

Keep the ones you want the most. Is it a money issue or a display issue?

Ive got most of the the medicom MGS figures but i only have one up display at a time.
Broken parts on the older RAH bodies are super common, back before the re-releases/HT announcement I looked up a lot of reviews on them since I was gonna pick up some more of the Snake figures and that was one of the most common complaints. It's basically the reason I didn't grab any except the Soviet camo version, since that one is pretty hilarious looking.

Dylan : Thanks, glad you like it! :hi5:
Im not sure but i think the RAH body for snake has a customized forearm but other than that it was a standard body?

Keep the ones you want the most. Is it a money issue or a display issue?

Ive got most of the the medicom MGS figures but i only have one up display at a time.

A bit of both actually, since getting into ThreeA toys I have been running out of space and money. :p
I'll most likely just keep the croc cap version and sell off the other two even at a loss, but first I need to fix the croc version with the correct body replacement.

Currently I think I only see two version on eBay, Massive 2 ( and Naked 2 ( I am guessing I should get the Naked 2 body for Snake?