Super Freak
Imma fa p all night with dat iron snake hand
The lamp is great if yours doesn't short out, while the arm is weird and obscure. The steelbook looks lame too, it's seriously just the regular box art that looks marginally better. At least other steelbooks usually change up the art or make it look nicer. The thing looks underwhelming...I'd rather that bronze PAK over the arm frankly.
The console is cool, but I'm probably going to go for an Uncharted or Arkham Knight bundle.
Imma fa p all night with dat iron snake hand
if anyone is looking for the mgs3 premium package with the shagohod for dirt cheap heres one on ebay, youre welcome!
C4853 Good Condition Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Premium Package PS2 Japan | eBay
the shipping is almost as much as the pp, i doubt youll get a good price break but good luck!
Nice man, finally got one. Shes pretty cool but yeah its a bummer shes short.
He is, he just looks a little shorter because he isnt standing straight. What pet you talking about?