That's a very generous price. I think I paid around that for mine years ago too.
Are they boxed and are you shipping outside the US?I have all the MGS 2 McFarlane figs, but I'm only selling the complete set. If anyone wants them, I won't even overcharge. I bought them for $100 in 2006, I'll sell them for $120 to cover shipping charges.
Our Lord and Saviour with Nicolas Winding Refn.
Two one trick ponies share a meal.
I look forward to his new movie. I really like how he shoots his films and the deep symbolism he fills them with. But hopefully this new one has a more straight forward narrative than Hands of God
The internet would blow if that happened. I can imagine something really stupid like the revival of "#StandwithKojima"Kojima sure loves hanging out with Hollywood people. Except screenwriter David Hayter of course.
@Rampy, those are sooo cool! If by chance you have a spare MGS2 tin case lying around, do let me know!
He also directed Valhalla Rising and the movie Drive (which was ****ing immaculate).
Only God Forgives?
Naughty Dog has long since passed Koji Poopductions.
Well, if you can't get some of that Rockstar pie, try some Dogs food!
Everyone has long surpassed everything related to Kojima, not sure why you guys took so long to figure it outNaughty Dog has long since passed Koji Poopductions.