I'll be getting the Revoltech Snake and PAK Liquid and Raiden. I already have every MGS PAK figures so might as continue, although I'm not feeling the Raiden and hate the pouch and the uneven sleeves on Liquid.
QFT, I really hate the new retconned color scheme. Doesn't match the original games look IMO
Revoltech are relatively fast with producing figs right? Hopefully well see a lot more characters by the end of the year!
I actually prefer the re-done colours on him and i'm not one usually to stray from the originals
Getting my koto rex tomorrow very happy about this. I was gonna take my time and build it but I want to display it right away so I'm going to build it then paint it after someday
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I think I'm with ZombieRepublican and IdeaOfEvil on this; I prefer the old color scheme which was more muted and organic looking, as compared to the shiny and metallic color-way from Rising. Ninjas should not, ever be shiny. It just makes them less inconspicuous.
The coloring of Gray Fox and sculpting of Solid Snake is why I didn't jump on those figures from the get-go. A bad decision on my part, since the prices have almost tripled their original value on Ebay.
But thats surely it makes sense, him being a cyborg ninja. He's going to most probably going to be abit shiny somewhere. I thought the dull pink looked like a man wearing a costume, when it's a man grafted into a cyborg body