j-store_apprecltd on ebay has the ps3 peacewalker premium package for $128 shipped and the xbox version for about 20 cheaper. youre welcome. also snapdragong has another premium package kaz for about $70 shipped.
Sweet collection I see that you got the revoltech snake before all of us!
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your collection.
Guys, where can I buy that Revoltech figure?
Dude I just broke the bank. Peacewalker premium package, cold war snake, revengeance tshirt, and my payoff on my pak Raiden that's in the mail. Not to mention any time now bbts will be charging me for the revoltech snake. I preordered another jungle fatigues snake that's due out soon. I got the revengeance letter opener comin too. I also preordered 3 sets of gekkos that'll be out within the month. Ugh............
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.