Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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I'm tempted to make a head-sculpt out of chocolate, and substitute pieces of gummy bears for the brains, and eat it :drool. That is my delicious random thought of the day. That is all.
Just got the Peace Walker premium package for a hundred bucks now my PAK set is complete. Why do I get such excellent deals? Cause I'm a hustler, that's why.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Just got the Peace Walker premium package for a hundred bucks now my PAK set is complete. Why do I get such excellent deals? Cause I'm a hustler, that's why.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

That god you said hustler and not that you have swag, I might of stabbed you.

By the way Jason, you're from Boston right or in the area? Everything is on lockdown up there from what I seen on the news.
I live on the New Hampshire border it takes me 40 minutes to get to Boston I've worked around my house for the past two weeks
By the way I don't say swagger I'm a white dude
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
I live on the New Hampshire border it takes me 40 minutes to get to Boston I've worked around my house for the past two weeks
By the way I don't say swagger I'm a white dude
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

And you're not a douce bag, it's the most annoying term the kids are saying nowadays.

I'm a Whitey as well :duff
Some little fat white kid snapped his head around and told me my car was "fresh" yesterday..........he wasn't even a homie.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Ugh I can imagine, I've heard horror stories about Long Island from the radio show I listen to :lol

You from LI Solidus?

Oh, no :lol. I'm from Queens, and I live in Kew Gardens. I commuted to LI for school, and I'm currently working there at the moment. It's a nice, scenic place, but way too rural for my taste.
Click my Flickr page link and look through my photostream you'll see it

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

While I won't say it's fresh, it's definitely very nice. More of an Acura kind of guy myself but I definitely have respect for Scions now. Amazing Metal Gear collection btw.
fun to read your locational chat guys, since Im in Chile, this kind of dialogue is something new for me lol