Woah relax. Take note of what I said. You're making it sound as if I'm somehow saying that people were asking for a figure exactly like this Revolmini in terms of style, size, price and how "Kojima-san" is justified in making this when that literally wasn't the case.
I recognize this is a 1/6 forum so obviously there's more desire for bigger figures. I thought the mention of "GI JOE" gave it away and yeah you'd be surprised, I've seen a number of folks clamor for MGS figures of such size. Mind you, I tend to jump around multiple scales (3 3/4, 6-8 inch, whatever scale PAK wants itself to be and here being mainly 1/6) so I've been exposed to various communities (including some customizing ones). As an aside, I will say the varying perception towards figures of other scales can be quite amusing. In this case I'm just saying that yes, surprising as it may seem, I have seen some people actually wish for small MGS figures and that's literally all I'm saying, no more no less ("large group" is stretching it, more like scattered little corners in various communities some not even readily MGS-oriented).
Don't know what you mean by "extent" though, not once did I indicate in my post that there's huge demand for such MGS figures in such a small size. If you look back at my comment, a lot of it was more of "um not exactly" where I literally just said "there's a legitimate market for it" i.e. the market for such small figures does exist to some extent contrary to what some might believe here. Perhaps "dying" was a bit too hyperbolic, so that may have twisted your view regarding my comment, and if so then I apologize for that. So really there's no need to blow my comment out of proportion there.