No, no. What I said was, "Sign a copy of something and sell it to me. I'd buy it."

YESS! Do eett!![]()
Personally, I'd rather half-done drawings than something that was too detailed. I just have more appreciation for something that's abstract, and that's why I was drawn so much Yoji's sketches and water colors.
Awesome Pliss! Like I said, you're getting much better. Keep it up.
I personally haven't drew anything in years. Maybe I'll get back to it next year.
nice work, tony.
I am cursed with ****** handwriting, so I could never drawbut Pliss, you're great! Keep it up
You deffo got the main Shinkawa features
Once you get the mouth and cheeks down it gives it the base likeness anyway imo
Wrong thread. It should be "Snake Plissken: "First Look": My artwork."![]()
Damn work filter!
No! I didn't know there was any![]()