Super Freak
Man that Shazam is something special. Looks AMAZING!!!!!
I had that poster on my door for awhile! You just brought back my Bane nostalgia. I'd prefer the non Venom version though, but I'd still buy the Jim Balent or Graham Nolan Knightfall version. I preferred Bane more when he got over his addiction in Vengeance of Bane 2, and went on to work with Ra's in Bane of the Demon.
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You can't be serious.![]()
Smart, cunning Bane is best Bane, period. The steroid monster never did anything for me, but the kid growing up in a prison? The boy with a knife in his teddy bear? His origin was raw, violent, scary and brilliant. Shame the New 52 portrays him more as a brute. Here's to hoping REBIRTH changes that.
actually i am serious.. its twice the price from mattel & hasbro. well i only have mezco mortal kombat,
I already thought you were a great guy, but anyone that shows Bane love is a good friend of mine! I was very disappointed what was done with Bane in the New 52, Batman TAS, and Arkham games. I really hope Rebirth restores the character I cared so much about growing up.
Likewise mate! Yeah, I was severely dissapointed with Arkham, but at least he was portrayed right in Origins. As for REBIRTH, well, I really hope it's good. I've been looking to abandon Marvel (my pull-list came today, and I couldn't even read the whole issue of Doctor Strange- it's that bad, and I say that as a Strange fan), and REBIRTH seems like the perfect opportunity.
Thanks! The only modern Marvel stuff I read was Magneto, Daredevil, Captain America, X-Men, Punisher, and Deadpool. I really liked the Night of the Living Deadpool stuff, but didn't care for the main series. I don't know, I just feel like Deadpool became kind of a wimpy punching bag after the Joe Kelly stuff. He was pretty messed up dude, but he could play the alpha male when he wasn't going through his mental crises. Punisher wasn't bad, but kind of dull. What I read of Magneto by Cullen Bunn was very entertaining, but I don't even understand the character anymore. Make up your mind, dude!X-Men, I couldn't handle the decompressed snarky melodrama. Captain America was fine, but I think Cap was being written as a very boring character. Or is Captain America a truly boring character? Perhaps, I just liked him for the villains. I don't know anymore. Daredevil, we talked about (I think it's boring). Oh, Nightcrawler was good!
I really haven't checked out much with the New 52. I really liked Batman Inc and the Azzarrelo Wonder Woman that I read, but everything else felt like a mess with 5 year gap and the referencing old stuff and then retconning. They have so much New 52 stuff at my library, and I don't even want to read it. Taking away the marriage from Arthur and Mera makes no sense, doing away with Wally and claiming that brat is Wally made me sad (I love Wally), shoving in Simon Baz and then dropping him was a joke, Harper Row/Blue-bird is my Jar Jar Binks, putting Superman and Wonder Woman together hurts me (They're relationship to me was like **** Grayson and Donna Troy; don't put them together), Impulse—one of the most loveable and cute characters ever was made into a snot nosed brat, Jason's new origin being set up by the Joker, all the villains being lame serial killers with daddy issues, Tim Drake being trashed and made into a brat, Joker being an omnipotent teleporting ninja, Barbara being a whiner with her magic healing powers, **** being an annoying playboy that stole Tim Drake's qualities, etc. I can go on and on.
I'm looking forward to REBIRTH!![]()
I've tried tons of Marvel's new titles post NOW! but, to be honest, there aren't many that I truly enjoyed. Most I followed out of devotion to the characters. With DC, I tried about the same amount of titles but, again, nothing really came out of it. Honestly, I'm just waiting to see what REBIRTH is all about. If that also doesn't manage to catch my interest, well, I think it's time to call it quits on the Big 2, apart from 2 or 3 titles. Indies are doing a much better job anyways.
Do you know why they're doing Rebirth? If they're doing it for money reasons, I don't think it's going to work. You're not going to get a lot of people to spend $4 on part of a story that takes 5-10 minutes to read and not even knowing whether it's going end well.
Who knows? I've heard tons of rumours from BleedingCool but, honestly, nobody knows. It's a wait and see scenario. Some say it's a return to Pre-Nu52 continuity. Others say it's yet another reboot. Others say it's just a relaunch ala NOW! and All-New Now!