Surprised nobody has mentioned that the shots of the Previews exclusive version (oval symbol, blue cape) looked different from the prototypes on display at the conventions.
For one thing, the logo is different. On the original proto, it was more stylized with the center of the bat being really it seems to extend a little further.
Also, the stitching on the shorts is more evident, which is not a good thing. In one shot, you can see the belt riding up on the torso creating a little gap between the shorts and belt where the grey suit is showing. Not a dealbreaker or anything, but doesn't look as nice as all the other publicity shots.
Finally, the head in the Previews picture almost looks like it was painted over blue plastic and the blue is showing through on the lines around his mouth.
No idea if any of this will have any bearing on the final product. I just hope they quality control is as good as they are promising. They are really hyping this up. I only own two Mezco products, some of the Giant Thundercats figures...and the QC on those is excellent, but they are a much simpler toy. I really hope Mezco pulls this off...I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a figure.
Here's hoping we see an amazing 1989 Batman at Toy Fair too!!