You really have no problems with the BvS figures? No problem with the bloated look, the total lack of Cavill's likeness, that awful pattern that looks like the fabric was burnt instead of looking like that Kryptoninan "chain mail", etc etc? Well, to each their own then, if you don't have a problem with that, I doubt you'll have a problem with anything Mezco does.
Unfortunately I love Supes and Supes fans have been getting terrible figures since the dawn of time
I'd be nice to have a good figure for a change. It'd be a grail just like the SS PF became a grail.
Yeah, their QC is awful, even then, the end product looks better than Mezco's protos. If only they weren't made out of glass
They have not, not by a long shot.
The textures of the BVS figures look horrible and the leather or Arrow might as well be sculpted plastic because of how thick it is
They have noting on 3A, the tailoring, the intrincate designs of the clothing are miles ahead anything Mezco's done, from cargo pants to coats, they have full suits, boiler suits, all within several layers of clothing.
For starters, there's barely any piece of 3A clothing where you can see the fibers of the fabric, even in 6" scale, that's not something you can say about Mezco.
No my man, I hate what 3A has become, but if there's one thing they have down, that's clothing, and Mezco isn't anywhere near their level.