Super Freak
get on the waitllst , a lot of peope had canceled to many orders
Man, I missed out. I wasn’t able to be online during most of the Pre-Order window. When I finally was able to get online, I checked and it was still available but I was too busy to actually place the order. 20 mins later when I finally had a chance to sit down and proceed it was sold out. What a bummer. I got on the waitlist immediately but that’s small consolation right now. I almost missed out completely because I just happened the check this thread the night before the Pre-Order went live and I don’t check this thread every day.
These kind of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it pre-order windows for such highly desirable items just suck. Why on earth would they make this a difficult-to-obtain exclusive? I’ve never bought anything from Mezco before but this experience isn’t building any kind of good will on my end. I think I might just stick to Mafex for my 1/12 scale Batman fix. ‘89 has always been my absolute favorite version of the Bat and I would’ve loved a high quality 6 inch version. I guess I’ll just console myself with the awesome quarter scale Neca. At least he wasn’t impossible to get.
He's available again on BBTS for small mark up.
I haven't been paying attention to Mezco...what are the chances of this line being expanded to include other Burton characters, or something crazy like a 1:12 Batmobile?
I haven't been paying attention to Mezco...what are the chances of this line being expanded to include other Burton characters, or something crazy like a 1:12 Batmobile?
I?d say it?s a good bet. I?d suggest the joker, Batman, maybe more will come. They just don?t seem to be in a hurry.
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I honestly doubt we'll get anything else, maybe a Batman Returns figure, but I don't see them negotiating to get anyone else's likeness rights. Well I guess I don't know if Batman Returns tied up the likenesses with that movie? Since there's been Penguin figures, and at least a 1/4 scale NECA Catwoman right?
I honestly think once Jack passes away we'll get more licensing. But anyway, no prototypes were shown from any Batman movies.
And I totally get why they went that way
They really should list what it’s made out of in the product description.
Man, everyone here going on about Keaton Bats and I'm just sitting here wondering "Where the HELL is Hal Jordan?!"