If they made them $50 they wouldn't be able to make them fast enough to keep up with demand.
I know that they're very different markets but look at the videogame console makers like Sony, Nintendo and MS.
Ignore me being naive for a second here.
They take a beating with losing money on their consoles for a few years just so that they can get them out in huge numbers into the homes where they can make up the loss with their software licensing and eventually with manufacturing costs lowering and enough consoles sold they start breaking even on them.
For example, it is being reported that Sony will be taking a huge loss on every VR headset sold this coming fall, even at $400.00 a pop, but they need to move them out in great numbers.
I wonder if the toy companies could follow the same formula?
Mezco takes a hit up front on their 6" line at $50 a pop but they move a great deal of them AND they sell them as only a base figure, no accessories.
Then if you want an extra head or character item you pay extra for those but if you're happy with just the base figure at $50 then at least you get to own a character that you love and Mezco makes up their upfront loss on the quantity being moved out and from those that want the extra items.
You want that battle damaged shield or head, boy are you going to pay for it!
At $50.00 I would totally get caught up in the excitement which in turn would increase the chances of me giving in to impulse buying, WIN for Mezco right there!
I don't know, maybe Mezco is already taking a loss even at $80.00, who knows, but I also doubt it!
I'm just simply trying to figure out a way where the companies can still profit while not pricing out so many collectors which has to hurt the entire industry as a whole, no!?
I read many comments from collectors who are taking a serious look at their buying habits, having to now be picky by sacrificing one character for another even if they equally love both the same.
I'm not saying we all weren't already making these difficult decisions even when HT used to be $120.00, sacrifices will always have to be made for us regular folks no matter the cost, it just seems to have skyrocketed big time now!
Ahhhh, first world problems.
People in some countries be like..."Hey, can we first get running water and a sewer system before I worry about if i'm getting a red or black Punisher!"
Oh well, whatever....screw it, i'm buying them! Even at $80 I have zero control over my impulse habits, divorce lawyer be damned!