I agree, i picked up the Bvs Superman figures, and liked collecting them just because hey i like collecting stuff, but ultimately i'm trying to get away from buying everything from a line for that reason, after you reach a certain level you realize its only how much you want to spend, not that you cant find them, and i sold them, i couldn't believe how much the armored ones went for... and i want to like that movie like the other fans do... but its just such a miss... wonder woman was a cool movie but i doubt i'll pickup any of those figures either... probably cancel the preorders when they come in...maybe Thor Ragnarok but i don't know... i really love their own interpretations, and i can't get enough sadly

... i used to buy two of every figure but if you buy three you can maybe flip one to help pay for the other two, and if they don't end but being flipable, well i have a lot of people in my life that love these free mezco, i remember i gave away about five of the first Batman Dark Knight figures, i see them at friends houses in cool poses are in their cubicles... i mention they go for over 200+ now they are like awesome but don't really care... they just think its awesome they have an old batman with cloth costume, i think that is the next thing i need to figure out, why i like valuable figures so much, anyways...