What happened to Stealth Iron Man? Thought that one was supposed to have been released?
Read the PX IM is shipping so should be available soon
I pre-ordered it 502 days ago.
I bought one of the first posted for $325 before price went nuts. I don’t mind paying bigger bucks if it’s a true exclusive. If they release a few of them like they did with Gomez then I’ll be ticked.
I wanted the bald Blade to go with Wesley Blade
Nice score. Price would have to be quite a bit lower for me to snag one. Not nearly as interested in the Toy Fair variant as the regular release. Chances are we might see a PX Previews version as well.
Edit: I am envious of that leg holster on the Toy Fair version though.
Is there any reason they've only tackled two villains so far, with only one released? I look at the DC line and see like 7 or 8 villains. Also what villains do you want to see next?
Their BP is a hot mess yikes.