Super Freak
Yeah but those are scalper prices, and for scalper prices those aren't even bad.wth usually SHF price is cheaper in asia than in US, maybe coz its TMNT (us license) ?? . anyway the distributor sell it for 75 but scalper try to sell it for 85$.
This is $130 RETAIL, imagine the aftermarket prices

I just checked, the turtles are $60 at eBay

Yeah, I feel bad for the fans who HAVE to get this figureUnfortunately I am a huge Punisher fan so I'm a sucker for this figure. Cap and Punisher I'm all in. Any other character I'll be priced out.

I don't blame you, if the Superman figure was as well executed as the Punisher, I would get it even if it was $150
This is how toy makers bully us for our lunch money.