Why do I doubt people would be happy if Mezco removed the flair or whatever it's being called.
Because that's what happened with TDKR Bats, Mutant and Dredd
If you didn't know, TDKR Batman isn't a verbatim 100% accurate interpretation of that comicbook look, it's mostly an amalgamation of Batman's looks throughout the story, same for all the variants, and NO ONE complained about it, sure, some people pointed it out, in the middle of ecstatic praise that is.
Why? Because the deviation from the source is minimal.
I haven't read comics in ages
Ah, makes sense, I found out that the people who like this line unconditionally are the people who either don't read comics, or the people who don't care for the characters, I think Mezco is on the same boat, they claim to be fans, but they aren't really, and it clearly shows in their interviews.
but as I recall each artist puts their interpretation on the character and whatnot.
Not like Mezco does, artists have to follow a design guide of the current canon to follow with minimal deviation, and it's rare, they usually just follow the guide, even so, you don't hear anybody clamoring for a figure of Batman during that cool down/filler issue after that BIG FAMOUS CLASSIC STORY ARC by THE BIG CHEESE ARTIST

no, we want the good and memorable looks.
Regardless if they did it, if they are good artistic renditions in the context of the story people would want them, but these aren't the artist's designs we know and love, these are random bad taste designs that look like rejected concept designs.
Soon as Mezco went full comic mode people would complain about the artist rendition they chose if not they one they prefer.
People expressed their desire for certain versions of Batman for future releases while praising Batman when TDKR came out. People didn't go feral until they started with this little vanity project of theirs.
So no, your justification for the ugly Mezflair is misguided and misinformed, it's nothing for a vanity project by non-fans, it's really no different than those redesigns from deviant art.
I also have a dark suspicion that most collectors chase and buy 'placeholders' while holding out for 'grails' and the 'definitive' ...
This is undeniably true, when they buy this, they do it because that's all there is.