Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) Marvel Comics Figures

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Seriously Mezco listen to your customers, eliminate your extra touch and your products will fly off the online shelf, large % of customers will jump onboard.

Try it, what does it hurt.

Obviously it's not a license requirement or else they would just come out and say it....

"sorry customers but we are required to change up the classic look for reasons a, b and c.

Then we would all just shut up and move along but we know that's not the case so why are you not listening to your customers?
Seriously Mezco listen to your customers, eliminate your extra touch and your products will fly off the online shelf, large % of customers will jump onboard.

Try it, what does it hurt.

Obviously it's not a license requirement or else they would just come out and say it....

"sorry customers but we are required to change up the classic look for reasons a, b and c.

Then we would all just shut up and move along but we know that's not the case so why are you not listening to your customers?

PREACH, brother jye4ever! Seriously, my wallet is ready but the line is not. The quality and feel is there, the size doesn't set off my minimalist OCD too easily (LOL) -- but they lack simplicity.

I can't remember the forum where I brought up diminishing returns on detail.

I see many reviewers raving about 'detail' on figures. Where it's warranted for accuracy, fine.

But I really believe that too much fine detail at smaller scales doesn't resolve well, and detracts from the visual impact we get from flat blocks of colour and dynamic lines.

Which is to say, the very graphic elements that originally drew me to comics and these characters in the first place.
Why do I doubt people would be happy if Mezco removed the flair or whatever it's being called.

I haven't read comics in ages but as I recall each artist puts their interpretation on the character and whatnot. Soon as Mezco went full comic mode people would complain about the artist rendition they chose if not they one they prefer. Typical nature of folks in the community so they hear unsatisifeid customer complaining either way. I'd say screw you as well until data said otherwise.. :lol
Why do I doubt people would be happy if Mezco removed the flair or whatever it's being called.

I haven't read comics in ages but as I recall each artist puts their interpretation on the character and whatnot. Soon as Mezco went full comic mode people would complain about the artist rendition they chose if not they one they prefer. Typical nature of folks in the community so they hear unsatisifeid customer complaining either way. I'd say screw you as well until data said otherwise.. :lol

Well that's the thing with this business -- you have zero hope of pleasing all of the grown-ass angry nerds like me. :rotfl

I've found most toy companies (perhaps because of this) are never particularly open about why they do what they do, or the kind of data they have. Some of it maybe to cloak themselves from competition, I don't know.

I do think collectors in general bite on variants of all kinds, due to novelty and perhaps a speculative approach on value (not my thing, but that's another story).

I also have a dark suspicion that most collectors chase and buy 'placeholders' while holding out for 'grails' and the 'definitive' ... and sometimes wonder if the Toy Illuminati don't actively exploit that like the crack dealers they are. :horror
Well that's the thing with this business -- you have zero hope of pleasing all of the grown-ass angry nerds like me. :rotfl

I've found most toy companies (perhaps because of this) are never particularly open about why they do what they do, or the kind of data they have. Some of it maybe to cloak themselves from competition, I don't know.

say it ain't so.....can't please everyone :lol that is why they don't try and do it their way.....see if it catches on because always gonna have a portion of the element not happy so why bother. I mean they've been hammered on Wolvie (justified) and I don't expect it to change. While I love Wolvie I'll probably wait for first appears look
I gotta say that old man Logan figure, with hulk baby, is probably one of the most easiest figures to PASS on in the Mezco line...
I like it as well. It's better than brown suit version and the biker shorts. I may hold out for a first appearance Wolvie.....maybe

A Hulk 181 first appearance Wolverine is something I'd be on like white on rice! I'm in for Old Man Logan too!
TDKR Batman and it's variations were huge sellers. Because they're direct translations of the art. This thing they're doing needs to stop.
Why do I doubt people would be happy if Mezco removed the flair or whatever it's being called.
Because that's what happened with TDKR Bats, Mutant and Dredd :lol

If you didn't know, TDKR Batman isn't a verbatim 100% accurate interpretation of that comicbook look, it's mostly an amalgamation of Batman's looks throughout the story, same for all the variants, and NO ONE complained about it, sure, some people pointed it out, in the middle of ecstatic praise that is.

Why? Because the deviation from the source is minimal.

I haven't read comics in ages
Ah, makes sense, I found out that the people who like this line unconditionally are the people who either don't read comics, or the people who don't care for the characters, I think Mezco is on the same boat, they claim to be fans, but they aren't really, and it clearly shows in their interviews.

but as I recall each artist puts their interpretation on the character and whatnot.
Not like Mezco does, artists have to follow a design guide of the current canon to follow with minimal deviation, and it's rare, they usually just follow the guide, even so, you don't hear anybody clamoring for a figure of Batman during that cool down/filler issue after that BIG FAMOUS CLASSIC STORY ARC by THE BIG CHEESE ARTIST :lol no, we want the good and memorable looks.

Regardless if they did it, if they are good artistic renditions in the context of the story people would want them, but these aren't the artist's designs we know and love, these are random bad taste designs that look like rejected concept designs.

Soon as Mezco went full comic mode people would complain about the artist rendition they chose if not they one they prefer.
People expressed their desire for certain versions of Batman for future releases while praising Batman when TDKR came out. People didn't go feral until they started with this little vanity project of theirs.

So no, your justification for the ugly Mezflair is misguided and misinformed, it's nothing for a vanity project by non-fans, it's really no different than those redesigns from deviant art.

I also have a dark suspicion that most collectors chase and buy 'placeholders' while holding out for 'grails' and the 'definitive' ...
This is undeniably true, when they buy this, they do it because that's all there is.
I think as long as the Mezco flair isn't so overpowering (like wolverine) then the figures look great. I'm very happy with the one:12 releases I have and if some releases have too much flair I'll pass and wait for a better looking variant (old man Logan).
I think as long as the Mezco flair isn't so overpowering (like wolverine) then the figures look great. I'm very happy with the one:12 releases I have and if some releases have too much flair I'll pass and wait for a better looking variant (old man Logan).

Pretty much this.........folks have too much time on their hands to get so wrapped up in simple decisions about toys :lol
I think as long as the Mezco flair isn't so overpowering (like wolverine) then the figures look great. I'm very happy with the one:12 releases I have and if some releases have too much flair I'll pass and wait for a better looking variant (old man Logan).

Definitely agreed
I think fans would like whatever they released if it was based on almost any of the more famous artist renditions. As fans, I think we should be vocal about what we like and what we don't like. That gives these companies a sounding board before the financial indicators. Fans don't necessarily dislike "realistic" interpretations. Take the Marvel Now designs. Fans for all intents and purposes responded well. Same with the DC Rebirth, to a lesser degree. But the designs didn't stray very far from the more classic looks.

Mezco would benefit from that same approach.

Again, I'll stay away from their more ambitious offerings and stick to the more comic accurate stuff.
Fans love realism, as long as it's only visual and not pseudo-rationalized that destroys the designs.

If they want realism just do Alex Ross, they all look like 40 year old cosplayers and it looks great, you still have those marble heroic bone structures and they look realistic, look how amazing that Sideshow premium format looks.



But to them, realistic is just dumb tacticool with soft and bland facial features.