Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) Marvel Comics Figures

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Didn't you try to buy a few but Mezco didn't accept international sales? Then you ranted about the scalpers and how the price was so high? I remember because you then started a Mezco bashing where you targeted everyone who praised Mezco for a while...and I was one of them lol.
I have complained about Mezco not offering international sales in general, that's true, but in hindsight, it's just laziness, I can fix a purchase with relatives over there, and they're working on international sales anyway, lucky me I haven't been interested in any exclusives so far.

But I didn't even try to get that Punisher, and I'm not even salty, it's a gorgeous figure, one of the best they've done, and I don't give a care that I don't own one. Actually the whole price raise phenomenon of that figure fascinates me, at most I remember saying stuff like "if that figure was on BBTS I would've bought multiples" or something like that.

I have taken part and started many Mezco bashings, you'll have to be more specific :lol and I rarely ever target anyone specifically, and never for personal reasons, I'm usually the one targeted because people take what I say personally and take me for a troll or something, I always rant about the designs, that's pretty much all I complain about when a new figure is released.

Signup for the emails. Check threads occasionally. Knew well in advanced there would be an exclusive going up today
I got one when the email popped up on my phone. Way easier than the Neca movie Turtles that I couldn't get through on three days in a row.

For sure, but at the same time there’s an actual reason NECA had to do the Turtles the way they did. It doesn’t seem like Mezco has any distribution restrictions, so they don’t exactly have an “excuse”.
I’m personally not interested in this line save for some of the movie/TV figures but I think this whole Punisher situation was terribly handled. Mezco doesn’t exactly owe us anything, but at the same time they at least pretend to be all about communication.
To spring a figure out of nowhere, save for an email as it’s up, with no indication of the character, is ridiculous. It seems like this was a response to the Classic Punisher which...also went up out of nowhere, but doing the same thing, still as an exclusive just in higher numbers is a misguided effort. Give a vague hint the day before or something. Having to be “in the know” (ie in a FB group, which are known to be often volatile) and constantly on high alert to collect a line isn’t exactly fun. Plus, even with the fact that we knew Mezco is putting exclusives up every Wednesday there were plenty of revealed figures that could have been exclusives instead of an out of nowhere Punisher variant.
And 6 per person? Why? They have to know scalpers are all over these, so limit it to 2 maybe even 3. It’s not gonna solve the issue, but it can at least help. So yeah, I’m just glad I don’t really care about this line.

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Good gawd it’s really baffling to me how all of you can act like Mezco is some huge company looking to screw everyone out of a purchase and feed scalpers because they don’t want your money. Do you hear yourselves? Half the people complaining about their orders not being processed or not being able to log on to the site to purchase this action figure are acting like they haven’t been apart of the game for the past few years and the other half are just not into this line and hear to jeer with them.

Have you ever called Mezco’s support line? They have ONE person to answer the phones when you call. No automated support line. That same person answers your emails of frustration you send when you can’t get on their site to buy a flipping toy. Or they don’t answer your email at all because they can’t do anything about it when you can’t get your flipping Toy. They’re not Hasbro, nor Mattel, nor Neca, not even Sideshow, period. They have a certain amount they can produce from a certain pool of cash, it’s called a budget and they monitor it with aggressive consvertism and I don’t blame them for it all. They don’t fulfill every order they can receive because they don’t have the means to do so. There’s really nothing else to be said about it.
Good gawd it’s really baffling to me how all of you can act like Mezco is some huge company looking to screw everyone out of a purchase and feed scalpers because they don’t want your money. Do you hear yourselves? Half the people complaining about their orders not being processed or not being able to log on to the site to purchase this action figure are acting like they haven’t been apart of the game for the past few years and the other half are just not into this line and hear to jeer with them.

Have you ever called Mezco’s support line? They have ONE person to answer the phones when you call. No automated support line. That same person answers your emails of frustration you send when you can’t get on their site to buy a flipping toy. Or they don’t answer your email at all because they can’t do anything about it when you can’t get your flipping Toy. They’re not Hasbro, nor Mattel, nor Neca, not even Sideshow, period. They have a certain amount they can produce from a certain pool of cash, it’s called a budget and they monitor it with aggressive consvertism and I don’t blame them for it all. They don’t fulfill every order they can receive because they don’t have the means to do so. There’s really nothing else to be said about it.

Guys I can understand the frustration but I dont think Mezco could have possibly known their site would crash. Also to those saying there was no warning,that is simply not true, Mezco said 3 weeks ago that theyd be rolling their exclusives out. Their new products come out on Wednesdays, almost every time. Knowing this information you must keep your eyes peeled. I was expecting the Marvel exclusive to drop at some point yesterday, heck I was waiting for it last week. Just let this be a good lesson for the future. I know for one that I will be ordering these exclusives with multiple browsers open from now on.
The more I read people complain about this, the more I side with Mezco on this topic.

A limit of 6 is perfectly reasonable, and there is no way to keep scalpers from working around smaller limits if they want to.

People are given dates for drops, and people fail to be there or are too slow with the clicks, it's entirely on them, (inb4 dude I was working or whatever).

It's like they're new to toy collecting or hot item drops.

Guys I can understand the frustration but I dont think Mezco could have possibly known their site would crash. Also to those saying there was no warning,that is simply not true, Mezco said 3 weeks ago that theyd be rolling their exclusives out. Their new products come out on Wednesdays, almost every time. Knowing this information you must keep your eyes peeled. I was expecting the Marvel exclusive to drop at some point yesterday, heck I was waiting for it last week. Just let this be a good lesson for the future. I know for one that I will be ordering these exclusives with multiple browsers open from now on.

None of this is relevant to what happened to several people. I was aware of the exclusives. I got the email. I went online. I added to cart. logged into account. All information there as usual. I clicked submit order. time goes by. Window pops up saying failed to process payment but item is still in my cart. Go back to cart. Process now as paypal payment. Same window. Did this eight separate times. Then the site crashed. In between I was tweeting and FBing with Mezco, no response. But they did finally say online that all the Punishers were sold out. So this was not a lack of information or getting the notice. This was just a crappy payment processing system. And trust me, I'm quick to click as I have had tons of practice with Mondo and their poster drops. An Exclusive should never have a limit of 6 per person. That's absolute Mierda!!!
I think the real problem here was the site crashing as hard as it did. It definitely took me 30-40 minutes to close out what’s normally a 3 minute process as well as having my payment info being allegedly incorrect when it was fine multiple times. Those things contributed to the outrage that’s happening right now. If the site didn’t have any problems, I think more fans would’ve ended up with this and there would be much less anger. Mezco just needs to fix whatever the hell messed their site up. I’ve pretty much been able to get whatever exclusives I want with zero problems and getting this yesterday was not easy.
Bandwidth is always a concern.

I don't know a single toy store that hasn't crashed when a super hot item drops, not one.

So it is relevant and it was specifically one of my points.

Even people think having it on your cart means it's secure, when it's not, and no transaction has been made until your payment has cleared.
Bandwidth is always a concern.

I don't know a single toy store that hasn't crashed when a super hot item drops, not one.

So it is relevant and it was specifically one of my points.

Even people think having it on your cart means it's secure, when it's not, and no transaction has been made until your payment has cleared.

I’m with ya; when I miss something, it’s kind of oh well that sucks but I’ll just buy something else or pay double if I just can’t live without it...all part of collecting. I don’t get worked up. But I think this is most peoples problem; if you know you’re about to drop an item that’s going to sell in ten minutes, maybe it’s possible to ensure that the problems with checkout at least don’t happen.

I’m not an internet/website guy so I really don’t know what you could to stop the site from crashing, but going for Mondos or more recently the 90s NECA turtles, I never had the checkout problem nor site crashing hard like yesterday.
Bandwidth is always a concern.

I don't know a single toy store that hasn't crashed when a super hot item drops, not one.

So it is relevant and it was specifically one of my points.

Even people think having it on your cart means it's secure, when it's not, and no transaction has been made until your payment has cleared.

Were you here for the great Sideshow Obi Wan 1/6 server fry? :)
I don't collect these (can't collect everything) so I did not try to get one, but I do come in here to check out the pics. And I have had similar experiences/problems when trying to secure a limited collectible I desire. Sucks to have to hear all the problems collectors have when trying to do something they enjoy. All too common a problem now a days. Especially that so much of what we hold dear is now so mainstream and acceptable that many new fans/collectors discover these things everyday.

Just my 2 cents on being part of a collecting community........

First, it's just crazy that a company based with products aimed at a collector community would allow 6 per person. That's just insane. 2 or even 3 at the max is still pushing it. NO (reasonable) collector I have ever met in 40 years of collecting buys 6. No one buys them for 5 friends, or 1 to open, 1 to display MIB, and 4 to put towards my kids college fund. The number 6 in itself is insulting to those that give Mezco their money and support them with all the regular releases, then fail to be able to secure an exclusive. That's inexcusable for any company no matter what their end product is or who it is for. They may as well advertise them as "Buy 1 Get 1 Free", as the 2nd one will be able to be sold on the secondary market for double what you paid for it (so essentially making 1 of them free).

Yes, they are a business, but if these companies actually cared about their customers there are plenty of ways to fairly ensure as many people as possible can secure one. It should be limited to 1 per person say, for the first 48 hours. If stock is still available, than you can ADD a 2nd to your initial order, or simply just purchase a 2nd one. I know people would say they want at least 2, but no one has the right to complain if they actually got at least 1. 1 is fair. 2, although for some is desired, is not necessarily needed. Then the 2nd one is on you if you feel the need to have multiples and choose to buy it on the secondary market.

Secondly, I'm tired of hearing how in this day and age that it's still ok that a companies web site can crash and thus alienate those who were unable to secure one. A new company? First exclusive offering? Then perhaps their 1st time they can get a begrudging pass, but the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.... Come on now... This has happened to me over the years a plenty as well. It's frustrating indeed, and totally unjustifiable. These companies choose not to invest their profits into their internet infrastructure. They know they are gonna (mostly) sell out regardless. They'd rather spend the money elsewhere. I don't see why it's so hard to not be able to have a system where once an item is in your cart it is at least secure for a predetermined amount of time. If that time expires, it goes back into the available stock. Movie Theaters can do it for ticket pre-sales for movie showing, so I'm sure these companies can do it as well. I like how I have a little timer countdown telling me how much time I have to checkout before my "chosen" seats become available again and are no longer held. I don't think it's unreasonable, too much to ask, or too hard to do in today's age and state of the internet.

Anyway, sorry for the rant.

Glad for those who got one. Yet sucks to hear so many fellow collectors unable to secure something that is near and dear to their heart, and that brings a little joy and happiness into their life. It seems everyday lately I look around at my "things" and I seem to ask myself why I still collect all this stuff.
I don't know, but even I found out since yesterday from FB groups posts that they were gonna drop something today, and I barely pay attention to Mezco these days.

Oh man, you not paying attention to anything Mezco does anymore. Even though you post here constantly and talk about going to random Mezco Facebook pages. Thanks for the laughs. :rotfl
Gasper if an interesting guy, he seems to hate almost every product mezco creates, and designs... But is okay with them allowing exclusives to be purchased at 6 at a time... He's okay with that but almost nothing else... Oh i think he said he likes Shazam... Now i don't know if i would call him a troll because most trolls are much more self aware then him... but he did get me to post and I've been a lurker for about 10 years or so that is something, am i feeding the troll? maybe but its fun lol... i just really like him i think, he gets the conversation going, its fun reading the conclusions he comes too.. Sometimes i find myself even getting upset then i remember oh yea this is supposed to be fun... Because he is right about alot of things... But it so weird he dislikes their products so much and spends so much time arguing with others about it... maybe he is a super advanced troll... the likes of which we will never understand... and i'm okay with that... one thing i noticed is he might not be in the US, and that might explain some of his dislike to mezco... I would be upset if it was such a hassle to get their exclusives, but then he doesn't like their figures... so that can't be right... its very fun to read... but either way i'm sure he will have some very clever responses coming and i look forward to reading them... but besides Shazam, and dark knight returns, have you liked anything they have done?
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While I also think limiting the amount purchased doesn’t stop scalpers, it certainly slows them down and serves as a great deterrent. 6 is simply too many in most cases. I can understand that number when you are trying to build hype and since you’re (Mezco) the only one selling the item, you don’t want to get stuck with stock, Classic Cap anyone?

But now they are selling at a good tick AND Mezco ain’t exactly picking obscure characters/variants for exclusives. So sellout is all but guaranteed.

My experience differed that day. I was late to the site, got right on slow, logged in, ordered two and checked out. Then it totally crashed. Got my order confirmation shortly thereafter.

I will be selling the extra to help cover my past cost for items I missed. I will also be picking up extras to sell at SDCC to help cover cost for other Mezco exclusives I missed :slap:gah:
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Mezco should set no limit if they make 350 Punishers and 1 collector wants all 350 they should let them buy all 350 I could definately find shelf space and poses for 350 of the same figure lol
Well, I can’t agree with that one. One person owning all of the marbles doesn’t build a customer base. In fact, it will erode it one disgruntled collector at a time. There is a balance to be set and I don’t think Mez has figured it out yet.

They really should talk to the Hasbro folks. I think they’ve found the right mix of exclusivity vs availability. Mezco...not so much.
Sorry I was being sarcastic of course that would be dumb on Mezco’s part and I view 6 the same way as 350.

2 makes sense hell maybe even 3 because it comes with 3 heads BUT 6 c’mon that’s just dumb on Mezco’s part.

Problem is they don’t care they knew it would sell out and they don’t care who it goes too as long as they’re paid hell they probably get a kick back from the scalpers I bet many companies do.

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