^ Dude, it's going to be made for the new generation. I get getting pissed remaking a classic movie. But not for a cartoon any more. The old cartoon is yours. This new one is the new generation's. It might be godawful, but kids will love it. And that's all that matters/.
I am not even talking about staying true to the cartoon or the comics or anything,
I'm talking about making a good movie that we can enjoy watching, like, just making a movie that is not Cheesy as HELL (transformers 2, the beginning of Transformers 3)
I just hope they make a fun movie, I dont even care if the turtles are aliens, as long as they keep the most basic things about them,
they could do whatever if they make it cool and fun. I really hope they dont ruin the movie with that shaky cam crap like battle LA